A whole new deviation was added to the game when “A Way of Winter” scenario started. Which is called the “Snapshot”. This allows you to do increased weapon damage when the deviation is active. This can be highly beneficial when it comes to PVP or defeating strong enemies. Our Complete guide on where to find the snapshot deviation in Once Human will cover how to get this and how to use it.

Where To Find The Snapshot Deviation in Once Human
In order to find this deviation you will first need to unlock the Tundra Monolith in Onyx Tundra. You can do this by simply completing 4 Rift Anchors within the Onyx Tundra area. Once this is complete, you will now be able to open the boss fight with the Secret Servitor.

The Secret Servitor
Now that we can fight the boss, it’s time to prepare for this level 20 Monolith. This will, of course, be easier or harder for others depending on their builds and their playstyle, but as it is a level 20 monolith, if you wish to do this several times, it will be best to get your character to level 30, so you can use tier 3 gear and make it, a lot easier for yourself.
We strongly recommend bringing:
- Tier 3 gear and weapons (makes it alot easier)
- Activators
- Adrenaline Shots
- Plenty of ammo
- Team mates if possible

Secret Servitor Mechanics
Now that you are prepared, enter inside, and you will now need to fight the boss. It has a few mechanics that you need to be careful of.
The most important one is the shadow corrosion effect it puts on the players, as seen below. While fighting in the shadowed area, you will slowly generate stacks of shadow corrosion and when you hit 10 stacks you will start to lose health and sanity rapidly.
If you get a high amount of stacks of corrosion, you will need to find a pillar of light in the boss arena and sit inside the light until the stacks of corrosion get removed.

Another mechanic the boss will do, is simply shoot projectiles at you while gliding around in the air. You will just need to simply move out of the way or dodge roll to avoid these.
Then the last main important mechanic is that the boss will go into a cocoon form and start firing red AOE projectiles. You will now need to continue to roll or keep moving to avoid this.(If you try to fire your gun and move at the same time, you will get caught and hit, so it’s strongly recommended to just hold fire and keep running until the mechanic stops happening).
You can now freely nuke the boss with damage. Just remember to top up your health and use the pillars of light when needed.
Once you have managed to kill the boss, you will have the CHANCE for the boss to drop the Snapshot deviation, as seen below.

The Snapshot Deviation
Successfully getting this deviation, you can now place it inside your securement unit in your territory and synchronize it. The Snapshot deviation has two abilities that can be used when you are out in the wilderness fighting enemies.
The first ability is called “Manual Photograph”, which attaches to your back and when you zoom in / ADS it locks onto a part of the enemy before dealing damage. The more hits registered on the enemy, the faster it locks onto them.

The other ability is “Auto Photograph”. Which allows the deviation to automatically pick the target for you and deal status damage and makes them receive 32.4% more weapon damage.

If you would like to watch a video on how to get this deviation, please check it out below.
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