Door Frame

Door Frame A portal to the the other side of the wall. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 2 Weed Stemx1 Crude Ropex2 x How to unlock:Analyzing Weed Stem
Grass Curved Door

Grass Curved Door Opens and closes. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 4.5 2 Weed Stemx1 Grass Plankx3 Sprigx1 How to unlock:Purchasing Curved Bases from the ASL Terminal.
Grass Door

Grass Door Opens and closes. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 4.5 2 Weed Stemx1 Grass Plankx3 Sprigx1 How to unlock:Analyzing Grass Plank
Feather Flat Triangle Roof

Feather Flat Triangle Roof A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers.” Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 3.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Flat Roof

Feather Flat Roof A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 3.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Peaked Dome Roof

Feather Peaked Dome Roof A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 3.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Peaked Roof

Feather Peaked Roof A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 3.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Roof Interior Corner

Feather Roof Interior Corner A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 1.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Roof Squared Corner

Feather Roof Squared Corner A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 1.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.
Feather Roof

Feather Roof A bold, ominous roof thatched with crow feathers. Defence Sturdiness Weight 5 4.5 3.5 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Feather Roofs from the ASL Terminal.