Waft Emitter

Waft Emitter Piss off bugs with a variety of pungent bug part concoctions that waft throughout the yard. Different stenches bring different swarms. Ladybug Partx2 Ladybug Headx1 Tough Gunkx4 How to unlock:Buy Waft Emitter
Smithing Station

Smithing Station Work station to upgrade weapons using various materials Brittle Quartzite Shardx1 Brittle Marble Shardx1 Crude Ropex4 How to unlock:Buy Smithing Station
Pet House

Pet House A funky little shack to house pets and track their stats. Mushroom Brickx4 Crow Feather Piecex2 Weed Stemx2 How to unlock:Analyze Mushroom Brick
Basketball Hoop
Basketball Hoop Shoot hoops with friends! Web Fiberx2 Grass Plankx2 Weed Stemx1 How to unlock:Analyze Web Fiber
Bounce Web
Bounce Web A trampoline constructed of springy bug rubber and limber sprigs. Bug Rubberx2 Sprigx4 Flower Petalx3 How to unlock:Analyze Bug Rubber or Flower Petal

Ladder Save space and navigate vertically with a runged ladder fashioned out of weed stems and acorn tops. Weed Stemx2 Acorn Topsx2 x How to unlock:Buy Ladder
Zipline Wall Anchor

Zipline Wall Anchor A wall mounted post that can be used as the endpoint for a zipline. Clayx2 Bee Stingerx1 Silk Ropex1 How to unlock:Buy Ziplines
Zipline Anchor

Zipline Anchor A post where the start or end of a zipline can be tied off. Clayx4 Weed Stemx6 Silk Ropex1 How to unlock:Buy Ziplines
Buoyant Marker

Buoyant Marker Transmits a trackable visual signal so you can find your way back to a location. Slime Mold Stalkx1 Silk Ropex2 Pebbletx1 How to unlock:Analyze Eelgrass Strand
Trail Marker

Trail Marker Transmits a trackable visual signal so you can find your way back to a location Sprigx2 Plant Fiberx2 Clover Leafx1 How to unlock:Analyzing Clover Leaf or Sprig