Party Buffs Guide

Hello Palians! With the latest patch, ver 0.181. We can now share our rewards to others. Share the Loot, Double the Fun with this Party Buffs Guide!
Zeki Prize Wheel Guide

Hello Palian! Did you guys miss our fellow Fur Villager, Zeki? He has something for you on this patch 0.181! Zeki Prize Wheel Guide is back!
Where To Find Impure Iron in Pax Dei

As you travel in the game, Impure iron is one of the earliest you need to mine, this ore can turn into an ingot using a furnace and unlock recipes for weapons
Where to Find Tin Ore Pax Dei

Tin ore is the one needed together with copper in creating bronze ingots, finding it is so easy. It is a rock formation with a chance of yielding tin.