Ultimate Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List (Imajinn)

Welcome, and thanks for visiting the Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List! We will explore the Blue Protocol’s Enhance Echoes feature in this article. Equipment called Enhance Echoes performs comparable tasks to armor in other video games. They are worn and give your characters stats. You can place your enhance echoes in one of the following five slots: three leaves (Mitsuha), mountains, an arrowhead, a windmill, and a water bottle (Aquarium). We’ll show you everything you need to know about Enhance echoes in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List Guide.

Prepare yourself to set out on daring adventures, collect potent materials, and raise the bar on your character in Blue Protocol’s fascinating world. Let’s go into this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List and investigate this fascinating system!

What is Enhance Echoes?

Menu Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

Now let’s get started in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List. An Echo called Enhance Echoes boosts several stats when used. There are five distinct sorts of Echoes that you can use: “Aquarium,” “Mitsuha,” “Mountains,” “Windmill,” and “Arrowhead.” Because each Enhance Echoes has a different set of stats that it increases, use it according to your playing style. Equipping one will be vital to raising your character’s strength because Enhance Echoes also boost your battle score by six times the item level!

Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

The Enhance Echoes currently available in-game will be the main emphasis of this section. Should the Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List be started now? Here are the stats and accessible Echoes that you need to be aware of to get started immediately in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List!

Enhance Echoes – Three Leaves (Mitsuha) List

EchoesEquipment Lv / How to get recipesStats of the Enhance Echoes
E-Uri Uri Uribo
E-Uri Uri Uribo
Level 5
Register as an adventurer
Lv – 5
Attack – 2
Defense – 1
Logic – 2
Endurance – 5
Vessel – 4
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 5
E-Jake's letter
E-Jake’s letter
Level 10
・Quest” Jake’s Letter “
Lv – 10
Attack – 2
Defense – 4
Logic – 7
Endurance – 5
Vessel – 4
Knowledge – 7
Spirit – 8
E-On the banks of the Melisos River
E-On The Banks of the Melisos River
Level 15
・Adventurer Rank Up 5
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 5
Endurance – 6
Vessel – 12
Knowledge – 11
Spirit – 11
We are also collecting E-sight
We are also collecting E-Sight
Level 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 2
Defense – 7
Logic – 12
Endurance – 8
Vessel – 9
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 11
E-oracle shrine maiden
E-Oracle Shrine Maiden
Level 15
– Quest ” The Shrine Maiden “
Lv – 15
Attack – 4
Defense – 5
Logic – 12
Endurance – 13
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 1
Spirit – 8
E-Protector's Pride
E-Protector’s Pride
Level 20
・ Quest ” 
Protector’s Pride “
Lv – 20
Attack – 4
Defense – 9
Logic – 15
Endurance – 12
Vessel – 10
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 9
E-handmade value
E-Handmade Value
Level 25
・ Quest ” 
Handmade Value “
Lv – 25
Attack – 5
Defense – 11
Logic – 16
Endurance – 17
Vessel – 9
Knowledge – 7
Spirit – 16
E-Haze of Bygone Days
E-Haze of Bygone Days
Level 30
・Adventurer Rank Up 9
Lv – 30
Attack – 8
Defense – 11
Logic – 23
Endurance – 18
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 20
Spirit – 3
E-Desert Wild Boar Desert Fang
E-Desert Wild Boar Desert Fang
Level 30
・Adventurer Rank Up 9
Lv – 30
Attack – 5
Defense – 14
Logic – 9
Endurance – 15
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 20
Spirit – 14
E-bandit lair
E-Bandit Lair
Level 35
Lv – 35
Attack – 5
Defense – 19
Logic – 22
Endurance – 22
Vessel – 22
Knowledge – 16
Spirit – 5
Voices of E-Imagines
Voices of E-Imagines
Level 35
・ Quest “Voices of the Imagines”
Lv – 35
Attack – 4
Defense – 19
Logic – 16
Endurance – 26
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 4
Spirit – 27
E-Raging Great Calamity Giant
E-Raging Great Calamity Giant
Level 40
Lv – 40
Attack – 6
Defense – 22
Logic – 26
Endurance – 23
Vessel – 14
Knowledge – 24
Spirit – 14
E-Desert Shadow Viper
E-Desert Shadow Viper
Level 40
・E-Desert Shadow Viper Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 10
Defense – 16
Logic – 8
Endurance – 23
Vessel – 8
Knowledge – 26
Spirit – 30

That ends the list of the available Enhance Echoes for Three leaves Echoes (Mitsuha). Now let’s move on to another Enhance Echoes in our Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List. Let’s get started in this Blue Protocol Enhances Echoes List!

Enhance Echoes – Mountains List

EchoesEquipment Lv / How to get recipesStats of the Enhance Echoes
E-Asteries in the distance
E-Asteries in the Distance
Level 5
・Adventurer Rank Up 3
Lv – 5
Attack – 2
Defense – 1
Logic – 5
Endurance – 2
Vessel – 5
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 4
E-God Protected Land
E-God Protected Land
Level 10
・Adventurer Rank Up 4
Lv – 10
Attack – 2
Defense – 4
Logic – 4
Endurance – 8
Vessel – 5
Knowledge – 7
Spirit – 5
E-Lalpal Village Portal
E-Lalpal Village Portal
Level 10
・Adventurer Rank up 4
Lv – 10
Attack – 1
Defense – 5
Logic – 9
Endurance – 2
Vessel – 9
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 6
Secret of the E-Coin Innkeeper
Secret of the E-Coin Innkeeper
Level 15
– Quest ” 
Secret of the Coin Inn Husband “
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 11
Endurance – 4
Vessel – 7
Knowledge – 12
Spirit – 11
E-Erinze's Vacation
E-Erinze’s Vacation
Level 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (Event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 7
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 6
E-The aim is an oasis
E-The Aim is an Oasis
Level 20
・Adventurer Rank Up 7
Lv – 20
Attack – 4
Defense – 9
Logic – 8
Endurance – 12
Vessel – 13
Knowledge – 14
Spirit – 6
E-Goblin Camp and Goblin Meal
E-Goblin Camp and Goblin Meal
Level 30
・Adventurer Rank Up 9
Lv – 30
Attack – 7
Defense – 11
Logic – 12
Endurance – 4
Vessel – 12
Knowledge – 23
Spirit – 23
Those who await in the E-Arena
Those who await in the E-Arena
Level 30
・Adventurer Rank Up 9
Lv – 30
Attack – 4
Defense – 15
Logic – 18
Endurance – 20
Vessel – 8
Knowledge – 14
Spirit – 18
E-Falling Fallen Civilization
E-Falling Fallen Civilization
Level 35
・E-Falling ruined civilization in
Lv – 35
Attack – 5
Defense – 17
Logic – 25
Endurance – 14
Vessel – 14
Knowledge – 22
Spirit – 16
E-What in half a year?
E-What in half a year?
Level 35
・ Quest “What happened in half a year?”
Lv – 35
Attack – 3
Defense – 20
Logic – 16
Endurance – 26
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 14
Spirit – 25
E-Zorkisia Corporal in need of protection
E-Zorkisia Corporal in need of protection
Level 40
・E-Protection required Zorkisia Corporal Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 7
Defense – 20
Logic – 18
Endurance – 23
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 26
Spirit – 12

That ends the list of the available Enhance Echoes for Mountain Echoes. Now let’s move on to another Enhance Echoes in our Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List. Let’s get started in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

Enhance Echoes – Arrowhead List

EchoesEquipment Lv / How to get recipesStats of the Enhance Echoes
E-Elder Goblin wielding a Staff
E-Elder Goblin Wielding a Staff
Level 5
・Adventurer Rank Up 3
Lv – 5
Attack – 2
Defense – 1
Logic – 5
Endurance – 3
Vessel – 5
Knowledge – 3
Spirit – 4
E-The outside world
E-The Outside World
Level 10
– Quest ” Outside World “
Lv – 10
Attack – 2
Defense – 4
Logic – 7
Endurance – 5
Vessel – 5
Knowledge – 7
Spirit – 5
Hobbies of E-Tiris
Hobbies of E-Tiris
Level 15
– Quest ” Tirith’s Hobbies “
Lv – 15
Attack – 2
Defense – 7
Logic – 9
Endurance – 8
Vessel – 13
Knowledge – 14
Spirit – 0
E-Shell Goblin Has Arrived
E-Shell Goblin Has Arrived
Lv. 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 4
Defense – 5
Logic – 9
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 8
Knowledge – 11
Spirit – 6
E-If you want to enjoy fireworks, it's night
E-If you want to enjoy fireworks, it’s night
Lv. 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 7
Endurance – 4
Vessel – 10
Knowledge – 11
Spirit – 12
E-Kagachi Yanma flying in a flock
E-Kagachi Yanma flying in a flock
Level 15
・Adventurer Rank Up 5
Lv – 15
Attack – 2
Defense – 7
Logic – 5
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 9
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 13
E - end of dry wind
E-End of Dry Wind
Level 20
・Adventurer Rank Up 7
Lv – 20
Attack – 5
Defense – 8
Logic – 13
Endurance – 12
Vessel – 10
Knowledge – 4
Spirit – 14
E-Cupcake Secret
E-Cupcake Secret
Level 25
・ Quest ” Secret of Cupcake “
Lv – 25
Attack – 4
Defense – 12
Logic – 10
Endurance – 16
Vessel – 17
Knowledge – 7
Spirit – 16
E-The future I want to protect
E-The Future I Want To Protect
Level 30
・ Quest “The Future I Want to Protect”
Lv – 30
Attack – 5
Defense – 14
Logic – 15
Endurance – 18
Vessel – 19
Knowledge – 6
Spirit – 18
E-troupe bond
E-Troupe Bond
Level 35
・ Quest “Bonds of the Troupe”
Lv – 35
Attack – 9
Defense – 14
Logic – 16
Endurance – 26
Vessel – 20
Knowledge – 22
Spirit – 2
E-Horngoat standing on a rock
E-Horngoat Standing On a Rock
Level 35
・E-Horngoat board standing in rocky area
Lv – 35
Attack – 7
Defense – 15
Logic – 22
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 22
Knowledge – 24
Spirit – 13
E-Heavenly Bullet Zorxia Sniper
E-Heavenly Bullet Zorxia Sniper
Level 40
・E-Protection required Zorkisia
Corporal Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 6
Defense – 20
Logic – 24
Endurance – 15
Vessel – 24
Knowledge – 20
Spirit – 16

That ends the list of the available Enhance Echoes for Arrowhead Echoes. Now let’s move on to another Enhance Echoes in our Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List. Let’s get started in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List!

Enhance Echoes – Windmill List

EchoesEquipment Lv / How to get recipesStats of the Enhance Echoes
About E-Feste
About E-Feste
Level 5
・Quest ” About Feste “
Lv – 5
Attack – 2
Defense – 1
Logic – 4
Endurance – 6
Vessel – 4
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 2
E-I'm falling in love with my servant
E-I’m falling in love with my Servant
Level 10
・ Quest ” I’m Melo Melo to My Servant “
Lv – 10
Attack – 2
Defense – 4
Logic – 4
Endurance – 8
Vessel – 7
Knowledge – 4
Spirit – 7
Vacation for E-Class Partners
Vacation for E-Class Partners
Level 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 11
Endurance – 5
Vessel – 6
Knowledge – 11
Spirit – 12
E-Colored Salamzat Oasis
E-Colored Salamzat Oasis
Level 20
・Adventurer Rank Up 7
Lv – 20
Attack – 2
Defense – 11
Logic – 17
Endurance – 1
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 17
E-Manifested Threat - Eternal Roar
E-Manifested Threat – Eternal Roar
Level 20
・Adventurer Rank Up 7
Lv – 20
Attack – 4
Defense – 9
Logic – 6
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 13
Knowledge – 11
Spirit – 13
The ordinary and the extraordinary in the E-paper piece
The ordinary and the extraordinary in the E-paper piece
Level 25
・ Quest ” Daily life and extraordinary life in a piece of paper “
Lv – 25
Attack – 3
Defense – 13
Logic – 18
Endurance – 13
Vessel – 16
Knowledge – 13
Spirit – 7
E-Minsterhorn Village Portal
E-Minsterhorn Village Portal
Level 30
・Adventurer Rank Up 9
Lv – 30
Attack – 6
Defense – 14
Logic – 18
Endurance – 14
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 14
Spirit – 11
E-Trick Elder Singing on the Earth
E-Trick Elder Singing on the Earth
Level 35
・E-Trick Elder singing in the Earth
Lv – 35
Attack – 7
Defense – 17
Logic – 22
Endurance – 17
Vessel – 16
Knowledge – 13
Spirit – 22
E-Onbashira no Chronogate
E-Onbashira no Chronogate
Level 40
・E-Desert Shadow Viper Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 8
Defense – 18
Logic – 10
Endurance – 24
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 24
Spirit – 24
E-Pillar Guardian Barrage Arm
E-Pillar Guardian Barrage Arm
Level 40
・E-Pillar Guardian Barrage Arm Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 4
Defense – 24
Logic – 16
Endurance – 23
Vessel – 30
Knowledge – 6
Spirit – 26

That ends the list of the available Enhance Echoes for Windmill Echoes. Now let’s move on to another Enhance Echoes in our Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List. Let’s get started in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List!

Enhance Echoes – Water Bottle (Aquarium)

EchoesEquipment Lv / How to get recipesStats of the Enhance Echoes
Lord of E-Dragon's Claw Marks, Savage King of Kings

Lord of E-Dragon’s Claw Marks, Savage King of Kings
Level 10
・Adventurer Rank Up 4
Lv – 10
Attack – 3
Defense – 3
Logic – 5
Endurance – 7
Vessel – 7
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 1
E-Valiant Kaiser Elk
E-Valiant Kaiser Elk
Level 10
・Adventurer Rank Up 4
Lv – 10
Attack – 2
Defense – 4
Logic – 7
Endurance – 6
Vessel – 5
Knowledge – 4
Spirit – 8
E-Mook's Territory
E-Mook’s Territory
Level 15
・Adventurer Rank Up 5
Lv – 15
Attack – 5
Defense – 5
Logic – 14
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 4
Knowledge – 6
Spirit – 12
E-trader's route
E-Trader’s Route
Level 15
・Adventurer Rank Up 5
Lv – 15
Attack – 4
Defense – 5
Logic – 8
Endurance – 10
Vessel – 6
Knowledge – 9
Spirit – 11
Summer at E-Asterleeds Beach
Summer at E-Asterleeds Beach
Level 15
・ Exchange with 4500 Sanve shells (event)
Lv – 15
Attack – 3
Defense – 6
Logic – 11
Endurance – 9
Vessel – 11
Knowledge – 5
Spirit – 8
E-Memory of the Blue Sea
E-Memory of the Blue Sea
Level 20
・Quest ” Memory of the Blue Sea “
Lv – 20
Attack – 3
Defense – 10
Logic – 7
Endurance – 13
Vessel – 9
Knowledge – 13
Spirit – 13
The recipient of the E-gift is
The recipient of the E-gift is
Level 25
・ Quest ” Who is the recipient of the gift ?”
Lv – 25
Attack – 4
Defense – 12
Logic – 8
Endurance – 9
Vessel – 16
Knowledge – 16
Spirit – 16
Level 25
・ Quest ” To my sister… “
Lv – 25
Attack – 4
Defense – 12
Logic – 13
Endurance – 8
Vessel – 16
Knowledge – 16
Spirit – 13
E-Bandit scout looking for targets
E-Bandit scout looking for targets
Level 30
・Bandit scout 
board looking for E-target
Lv – 30
Attack – 3
Defense – 15
Logic – 23
Endurance – 20
Vessel – 3
Knowledge – 12
Spirit – 20
E-Hot Sand Great Fang
E-Hot Sand Great Fang
Level 30
・E-Great Fang Board of Hot Sand
Lv – 30
Attack – 6
Defense – 13
Logic – 8
Endurance – 11
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 20
Spirit – 18
E-Master Goblin's Conspiracy
E-Master Goblin’s Conspiracy
Level 35
・E-Master Goblin’s Plot Board
Lv – 35
Attack – 6
Defense – 17
Logic – 12
Endurance – 14
Vessel – 23
Knowledge – 22
Spirit – 18
E-Indiscriminate Weapon of Destruction Quad Arm
E-Indiscriminate Weapon of Destruction Quad Arm
Level 35
・E-Indiscriminate Weapon of Destruction Quad Arm Board
Lv – 35
Attack – 8
Defense – 15
Logic – 22
Endurance – 26
Vessel – 22
Knowledge – 6
Spirit – 11
E-Patrol Laser Gazer
E-Patrol Laser Gazer
Level 40
・E-patrol Laser Gazer Board
Lv – 40
Attack – 8
Defense – 20
Logic – 24
Endurance – 12
Vessel – 18
Knowledge – 24
Spirit – 20
E-Novice landlord's help
E-Novice Landlord’s Help
Level 40
・ Quest “Helping the Novice Husband”
Lv – 40
Attack – 9
Defense – 16
Logic – 18
Endurance – 29
Vessel – 17
Knowledge – 10
Spirit – 28

That ends the list of the available Enhance Echoes for Water Bottle Echoes (Aquarium). From this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List, let’s move on. What to do when you receive an Enhance echo, where to create it, and how to choose an ability are covered in the sections of our Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List that follow. Let’s get going!

How to pick an Enhance Echo

Level Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

It is sufficient to choose and equip a high-level item in the early game, such as Main Quest Chapter 1. There aren’t many different sorts of Enhance Echoes available to equip at first, but as you complete the main objectives, you’ll be able to find higher-level Enhance Echo recipes, so pick one and equip it.

After entering Chapter 3, select based on your skill.

Ability Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

Select and equip the ability given to Enhance Echo once the main quest has advanced to Chapter 3. When constructing Enhance Echo, abilities are statuses that are randomly assigned. You can acquire status enhancement benefits, like a gain in physical strength, and status abnormality resistance, like anti-paralyze.

The skills granted at the time of generation varied even with the identical Enhance Echo. It is advised that you give Enhance Echo skills that go well with your class and play style.

How to acquire Enhance Echo

Recipes Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List

You can acquire the necessary recipes for Enhance Echoes through quests and craft Enhance Echoes with the right materials.

Now for the final part of this section in this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List, we will find the location of the lab for you to craft your Enhance Echoes. Let’s get started on the final part of this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List!

Location of Imagine Lab

Map LocationLab Location

Utilize the necessary supplies at the Imagine Lab to create an Enhance Echo after you have the recipe. The Asterleys Reclamation Bureau’s front entrance leads to the Imagine Laboratory, which is located south of there. After gathering all of the ingredients listed in the recipe, let’s return.


The Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List and Guide is now complete. We hope that this guide will make it easier for you to grasp how the Enhance Echoes in Blue Protocol works. Although it may seem challenging at first, if you understand it, your character will become much stronger than it is right now. We hope that this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List has made you more interested in other game features. There is a lot more to learn about the exciting world of Blue Protocol. Your quest will be far less stressful if you have the proper set of Enhance Echoes.

That is all for this Blue Protocol Enhance Echoes List and Guide. If you enjoyed this guide check out our MMO Wiki Blue Protocol Homepage. Join our Discord to get exciting news about the MMO world. Again, this is the end of this guide.

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