The Complete Blue Protocol Keen Strider Guide

Blue Protocol Keen Strider

Welcome gamers! This is the ultimate guide for the Blue Protocol Keen Strider Class. This guide will cover the following: Class Summary, Stats, Skills, Abilities, Recommended build, Gameplay and Conclusion.

The Blue Protocol Keen Strider Class Summary

The Blue Protocol Keen Strider is not your typical action RPG bow and arrow class that concentrates on DPS. But rather, the Blue Protocol Keen Strider also has healing or support abilities that are essential in helping you and your party members survive battles. The Blue Protocol Keen Strider is exceptional at doing mid-range to long-range attacks when coupled with kiting skills; thus, always be mindful of keeping your distance from different kinds of enemies or mobs. Furthermore, it is important to learn the specific weak points of enemies that you can hit with your skills to deal more damage.

The Blue Protocol Keen Strider shines more brightly when played in a group than solo due to its ability to heal and buff teammates. Of course, you can also apply the aforementioned skills to yourself. Furthermore, the Blue Protocol Keen Strider can do a variety of status effects that can debuff and incapacitate enemies, which will be discussed in the skills and abilities portion of this guide. Hence, if you like playing as a support with your friends or teammates and you like doing awesome bow and arrow ranged attacks, then this Blue Protocol Keen Strider class is for you, and this guide will help you be at the top of your game as a Blue Protocol Keen Strider.

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Stats

Starting Stats of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

Physical strengthEnduranceDexterousIntellectSpiritAttackAffinity RateCritical DamageDefenseRecoveryHPST

Skills and Ability Blue Protocol Keen Strider

Basic Skills of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

Arrow Rush

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Arrow Rush Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Arrow Rush

Requirements and description of the skill

GLiberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 1The first skill has a 4-phase attack that you can do while moving. The last attack has a delay.
2Level 5At this level, the damage of the 4-phase attack is increased.
3Level 12The feature of the skill at this level is that the first phase will have an earth attribute range attack when you click and hold the normal attack button as you enter the previous movement.

Cure Arrow

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Cure Arrow Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Cure Arrow

Requirements and description of the skill

GLiberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 1This is an AOE skill that heals you and your teammates. As you deal damage to your enemies, the BC gauge level increases, and the more the BC gauge level is accumulated, the more HP is healed by this skill.
2Level 19When dealing damage to the enemy at this level, the accumulation rate of the BC gauge is increased.
3Level 38The amount of healing is increased.

Tactical Skills

Strike Arrow

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Strike Arrow Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Strike Arrow

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 1At this level you can shoot a powerful arrow shot.
2Level 20At this level, you can now charge this skill and inflict more damage on enemies.
3Level 39The damage of the charged arrow shot is increased at this level.
3aLevel 50The charge time is increased, and the damage is increased as well.
Level 50The charging time is lowered.

Stampede Arrow

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Stampede Arrow
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Stampede Arrow

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 2This skill shoots 4 arrows that follow enemies and causes a poison status effect on them.
2Level 21The cooldown is reduced.
3Level 40The 4 tracking arrows are now increased to 6.
3aLevel 50The duration and damage of the poison status effect are increased.
Level 50The damage of the poison is lowered, but as the tracking arrows hit enemies, it explodes and poisons them.

Lethal Shower

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Lethal Shower
Lethal Shower

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 3This is an AOE skill that shoots multiple arrows upward that rains down arrows on the targeted area, where enemies are continuously damaged for a period of time.
2Level 22At this level, this skill can now be charged to increase the damage of the arrow shower.
3Level 41The damage is increased more when charging the skill.
3aLevel 50The charging time is reduced.
Level 50The damage of this skill is increased, but the attack range is lowered.

Hunter Spirit

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Hunter Spirit Preview
Hunter Spirit

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 4When activated, the rate of accumulation in the BC gauge is increased.
2Level 23The duration of this buff is increased.
3Level 42The volume of the skills is increased.
3aLevel 50When this buff is active, the range of the Cure Arrow is increased.
Level 50At this level this buff increases the movement speed and the amount of movement bar. Your movement speed bar won’t deplete quickly.

Ground break

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Ground Break Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Ground break

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 5This is an AOE skill that shoots arrows upward that go down to the targeted point and cause earth element damage to enemies within the area of the targeted point.
2Level 24The area of effect of this skill is increased.
3Level 43The movement speed of enemies within the area of effect is slowed.
3aLevel 50The duration of the AOE skill is increased.
Level 50The duration of the movement speed reduction on enemies is increased.

Dust Force

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Dust Force Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Dust Force

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 6This is an AOE skill that shoots arrows upward that go down to the targeted point and increases the status effect inflicted on enemies.
2Level 25The duration of the AOE effect is increased.
3Level 44The skill can now be charged, and the AOE is enlarged per charge.
3aLevel 50When enemies are within the AOE, their resistance is reduced (debuffed).
Level 50The movement speed of enemies are reduced.


Blue Protocol Keen Strider Hypnoblast Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Hypnoblast

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 7This skill shoots an arrow and inflicts a sleep status effect, which hinders enemies from moving.
2Level 26The duration of this skill’s cooldown is reduced.
3Level 45The duration of the sleep status effect on an enemy is increased.
3aLevel 50At this level, you can now charge the skill to increase its power, which will penetrate enemies that have resistance to the sleep status effect.
Level 50The attack damage of this skill is reduced, but a small explosion occurs at impact with enemies.


Blue Protocol Keen Strider Shockwave Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Shockwave

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 7This skill shoots an arrow that creates a shockwave that can penetrate enemies with resistance attributes.
2Level 27The range of the shockwave is increased.
3Level 46The damage of the arrow is increased.
3aLevel 50The damage of both the arrow and shockwave is increased.
Level 50The range and damage of the shockwave have increased.

Healing Arrow

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Healing Arrow Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Healing Arrow

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 9This is an AOE skill that shoots arrows upward that go down to the targeted point and give healing to allies.
2Level 28The amount of healing is increased.
3Level 47At this level, the skill can now be charged, and per charge, the AOE is enlarged and the amount of healing is increased.
3aLevel 50The recovery of health is increased.
Level 50The cooldown of this skill is reduced, but the amount of healing is decreased.

Twin Flash

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Twin Flash Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Twin Flash

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 10Shoot arrows to create areas where allies receive more or less damage at the point where they are hit and areas that inflict more or less damage on enemies.
2Level 29The status effect duration is increased.
3Level 48The AOE and duration is increased
3aLevel 50The AOE is increased
Level 50The AOE and duration are increased

Resonance Shots

Blue Protocol Keen Strider  Resonance Shots Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Resonance Shots

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 11This skill shoots an arrow that spreads the status effect of an enemy to the surroundings of the targeted area, where other enemies will be affected.
2Level 30The AOE of the spread is increased.
3Level 49The accumulation of the status effect increases.
3aLevel 50This skill can now be charged, and per charge, the AOE of the spread increases.
Level 50The cooldown of the skill is longer, but the abnormality state effect can now be spread to enemies.

Refresh Area

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Refresh Area Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Refresh Area

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 12This skill shoots an arrow to the ground and creates an AOE that grants a state anomaly to yourself and your teammates where the accumulated attributes are reset.
2Level 31The cooldown of skills are reduced.
3Level 50The AOE of this skill is increased.
3aLevel 50This skill now has the ability to remove anomaly area effects.
Level 50This skill can now make HP recovery continue after its original duration for a period of time. The ability has a small increase in its AOE at this level.

Ultimate skill of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

Mortal Gravity

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Mortal Gravity Preview
Blue Protocol Keen Strider Mortal Gravity

Requirements and description of the skill

G Liberation Level Skill Effect
1Level 10This ultimate skill has a 210-second cooldown and creates a large gravitational area where the arrow hits and pulls in the enemies around the AOE of the skill, which incapacitates and inflicts continuous damage to enemies.

Abilities of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

The class ability of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

First Aid (Class Sharing Ability)

Blue Protocol Keen Strider First Aid (Class Sharing Ability)

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 10The rescue speed of the player is increased.
2Level 22The rescue speed of the player is increased.
3Level 34The rescue speed of the player is increased.


Blue Protocol Keen Strider Follow-up

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 12Damage from a weak attack is increased by 1%.
2Level 24The attack damage of your character is increased.
3Level 36The attack damage is increased by 3%.


Blue Protocol Keen Strider Avoidance

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 14Your movement speed increases when being chased or targeted by an enemy.
2Level 26Your movement speed is increased.
3Level 38Your movement speed is increased.


Blue Protocol Keen Strider Medic

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 16The amount of healing is increased when using imagines, skills and items.
2Level 28The volume of the healing is increased.
3Level 40The amount of healing is increased.

Additional Cure

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Additional Cure

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 18Your character heals itself a little bit when the Cure Arrow is used.
2Level 30The amount of healing is increased.
3Level 42The amount of healing is increased.

Item Healer (Class Sharing Ability)

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Item Healer (Class Sharing Ability)

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 20The cooldown is reduced when using items that heal.
2Level 32The cooldown is reduced.
3Level 44The cooldown is reduced.

The Base Ability of Blue Protocol Keen Strider


Blue Protocol Keen Strider HP Up

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 11The health of your character is increased.
2Level 23The health of your character is increased.
3Level 35The health of your character is increased.

Increased Attack Power

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Increased Attack Power

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 13The attack damage of your character is increased
2Level 25The attack damage of your character is increased
3Level 37The attack damage of your character is increased

Increased Defense

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Increased Defense

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 15The defense of your character is increased.
2Level 27The defense of your character is increased.
3Level 39The defense of your character is increased.

Increased Resilience

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Increased Resilience

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 17The resilience of your character is increased against enemies and environmental status effects.
2Level 29The resilience of your character is increased against enemies and environmental status effects.
3Level 41The resilience of your character is increased against enemy and environmental status effects.

Increased Critical Rate

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Increased Critical Rate

Requirements and description of the ability

G Liberation LevelAbility Effect
1Level 19The critical rate of your character is increased.
2Level 31The critical rate of your character is increased.
3Level 43The critical rate of your character is increased.

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Recommended Build

Build 1- After finishing Chapter 3, these are the recommended builds for Blue Protocol Keen Strider

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-imagine 2

God’s Passage, Bow, Fire

B-Furious Gold

B-Brown Bear, a foreign bandit Chief
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

Resonance Shots

Dust Force

Ground Break

Lethal Shower
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2

Fast Aid

TrefoilMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

In this first build of Blue Protocol Keen Strider, the priority is to enhance the attack damage of your teammates. Therefore, using a B imagine that has the ability to debuff enemies is necessary. Furthermore, if your enemies are easily defeated, then your allies have more time to recover. The skill that is really good at debuffing enemies is the Dust Force, which can reduce 20% of their resistance attributes.

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Build 2-after finishing the Chapter 2 story

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-imagine 2

Brave Bow Light

B-The Great Eagle

B- Evil Healer
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

Resonance Shots

Dust Force

Ground Break

Lethal Shower
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2


TrefoilMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

In this second build Blue Protocol Keen Strider, after you finish the chapter 2 story, the main focus is support skills because the Keen Strider class is very weak in putting out significant amounts of damage to enemies. So, use a support Imagine to help you and your allies survive battles.

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Build 3-after finishing the Chapter 1 story

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-imagine 2

Stingerbow Sat


B- Exotic Bandit Rat
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

Strike Arrow


Resonance Shot

Lethal Shower
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2


Fast Aid
TrefoilMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

In this third build for Blue Protocol Keen Strider, After finishing Chapter 1, you should use equipment that enhances dexterity and physical strength because it is connected to attack power. Increasing dexterity and physical strength increases your attack power, affinity rate, and critical damage.

Blue Protocol Keen Strider Build 4-after completing the Pillar of God

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-imagine 2

Adventures Bow Fire

B-Feste a

B- Goblin
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

Strike Arrow


Resonance Shot

Lethal Shower
Class Ability 1Class Abilty 2


Fast Aid
TrefoilMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

The last build for Blue Protocol Keen Strider, after completing the Pillar of God story, is to level up your adventurer rank to 3 so you can make an E-Imagine (Enhanced Imagine). Recipes for E-imagine other than the water bottle can be acquired by reaching Adventurer Rank 3 and finishing the key character quest “Feste no Koto”.

Gameplay of Blue Protocol Keen Strider

The Blue Protocol Keen Strider offers a dynamic gameplay of a bow and arrow class due to its complex range attacks and supporting abilities. Playing this character will require fast reflexes, kiting skills, precision to target weak points, and a strategic mindset. In every battle situation, you must always be wise in choosing your builds. Some situations may require more of your healing or support abilities to help you and your allies survive and be victorious. On the other hand, in some instances, your debuffing and status effects skills might be more suitable to help your party defeat enemies.

Lastly, the Blue Protocol Keen Strider has an amazing arsenal of crowd control! Ranging from stuns, slows, sleep status effects, and this character’s ultimate gravity arrow that pulls in multiple enemies and incapacitates them. Therefore, you have to be a team player when playing this character because your skills synergize with all the excellent classes in Blue Protocol.

Conclusion for Blue Protocol Keen Strider

If you fancy being a reliable healer and a badass archer, then the Blue Protocol Keen Strider is the quintessential class for you. The lands of Blue Protocol are littered with mysterious creatures that might be hostile to you and your allies. Hence, being a healer, crowd controller, and damage dealer is a game changer in the world of Blue Protocol. Therefore, the Blue Protocol keen Strider class is vital to conquering challenging enemies and making your battles epic.

While waiting for the full release of Blue Protocol, you can sign up for a close beta test here: Blue Protocol Beta, or you can check out other amazing games on our website, MMO WIKI, and join our awesome Discord Community. Hope to see you there!

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