Spell Weaver Casting spells

The Complete Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Easy Guide

Welcome Gamers and MMO fans! Blue Protocol just recently came out with its Japan release on 14th of June. Many players are eager in playing their favorite class. Unfortunately, the western release for Blue Protocol was delayed to release on 2024 without any specific dates.

If you’re eager to know some of the classes right now and looking for a strategy to level up and grind? Here’s our Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Guide

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Class Summary

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver casting thunder mines

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver is a high difficulty long-distance class capable of providing high powered spells. Spell Weaver true potential lies on the back line of the party, continuously casting spells after spells as long as EP is available.

Unlike any other Mages in a typical MMO that uses MP. Blue Protocol Spell Weaver use EP(Engram Points) for all of its Spells and Skills. A key feature in regard to Blue Protocol Spell Weaver is that most of its skills and abilities doesn’t have any cooldowns and you can spam it as long as your EP doesn’t run out.

Running out of EP is not the end of the world as there are other ways to generate it with either your EP recovery skills or your EP recovery passive while using your basic attacks. Scroll down for more Blue Protocol Spell Weaver guide.


Here is the list of stats that you will have when you first start of Blue Protocol Spell Weaver.

Level 1

  • Strength: 45
  • Endurance: 50
  • Dexterity: 55
  • Intelligence: 67
  • Spirit: 60
  • Attack: 209
  • Affinity Rate: 7
  • Affinity Multiplier: 41
  • Defense: 50
  • Recovery: 72
  • HP: 245
  • Stamina: 100

Now that we know what we’re starting with let’s check out the Blue Protocol Spell Weaver skill and abilities.

Tactical Skills and Abilities

Here is the list of skills and ability from Blue Protocol Spell Weaver.

Tactical Skills

These are your bread and butter skills for Blue Protocol Spell Weaver. You can equip up to 3 as long as you reach the level required in order to use them.

Trinity Shot

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Trinity Shot
Trinity shot Icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
11– A three combo attack that fires magic bullets. Enemies hit at the 3rd stage of the attack will have their resistances reduce for a small amount to all attributes (Fire/Lighting/Ice) for 30 seconds.

– Inputting the left or right movement keys after the first stage of the combo will cast an Elemental Burst to the enemy, The element is dependent on your weapon’s element.
25– attacking while inputting the up movement key, the second stage of the attack will cast a high-powered magic bullet.
312– Inputting the down movement key while attacking will provide a small EP recovery if the 3rd hit connects.

EP Charge

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver EP Charge
EP charge icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
11– Press and Hold down RMB (Right Mouse Button) to continuously refill your EP meter.
219– EP recovery speed increased
338– Further increased EP recovery speed.

Fire Blast

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Flame Blast
Fire Blast icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
11– Fires a magic bullet with flame attributes. Can charge to level 2 to increase the range and damage of the skill.
– Consumes 25 EP
220– Reduces charge time
339– Charging can pass level 2.
– Gives quick charge buff
3. α50– Decreases EP consumption
-Consumes 20 EP
3. ß50– Damage is reduced, but hits will linger when hit.


Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Lightning
Lightning icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
12– Lightning penetrating attack that ejects multiple lightning bolts
– Cost 12 EP
221– Lighting Bolts has increased to 3
340– Lighting Bolts has increased to 5
3. α50– EP reduced cost from 12 – 10
3. ß50– Lightning becomes thicker

Ice shard

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Ice Shard
Ice Shard icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
13– An Ice-attribute attacks that burst from the center of the character. Inflicting fear unto enemies when hit.
– EP cost 25
222– Attack range expanded
341– Enemies hit will apply Slow(Medium)
3. α50– Increase slow debuff duration.
3. ß50– Enemies hit will reduce their attack power(Medium)

EP recovery

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting EP recovery
EP recovery icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
14– Gain EP regeneration (70 sec cooldown)
223– Cooldown reduce from 70 to 60 seconds
342– Extends buff duration to 20 seconds
3. α50– Recovery speed increase
3. ß50– During the effect, Maximum EP value increase by 6.

Flame Grenade

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Flame Grenade
Flame Grenade icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
15– An AOE version of Fire Blast, Can be charged to level 2 to increase damage.
– Cost 30 EP
224– Charge time reduced
343– Charge can go up to level 3, applies quick charge buff when uses level 3 charge
3. α50– AOE range increase
3. ß50– Flinch rate increase

Thunder Mine

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Thunder Mines
Thunder Mine icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
16– Generate 3 lightning mines that follows enemies, detonating and flinching when close.
– Cost 20 EP
225– Damage Increase
344– Explosive range increase
3. α50– Further increase explosive range
3. ß50– Lightning mines will not follow anymore and will stay in place, but will deal even more damage.


Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Blizzard
Blizzard icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
17– Creates an AOE that continuously deals ice damage to a target location.
– When creating an area, give large movement speed reduction to enemies in the area.
– Cost 30 EP
226– Increase AOE range
345– Skill duration increased to 7 seconds
3. α50– Further increase AOE range
3. ß50– Further increases duration

Blaze Blast

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Blaze Blast
Blaze Blast icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
18– Performs a fire attribute radiation channeling attack when skill is pressed. Pressing the skill button again will stop the channeling.
– Can move during the channeling
– Consumes EP continuously
– EP will consume more when moving
227– Reduces EP consumption
346– Increase Damage dealt
3. α50– Decreases EP consumption when moving
3. ß50– Grants super armor when channeling.

Thunder Sphere

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Thunder Sphere
Thunder Sphere icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
19– Creates a ball of lightning above the characters head and automatically attacks nearby enemies,
– Explodes when attack hits.
– 50 seconds cooldown
228– Applies fear effect
347– Shortened attack interval
3. α50– Further shortening attack interval
3. ß50– Sensing range on enemies increased


Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Icicle
Icicle icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
110– Conjures a large icicle on a targeted location
– Cost 25 EP
229– Increased the number of icicle drop by 2 (80% of attack)
348– Increased the number of icicle drop by 3 (70% of attack)
3. α50– Increased damage dealt (5%)
3. ß50– Attack range increased


Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Follow-Bullet
Follow-Bullet icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
111– Creates 2 magical crystals that shoots 2 magic bullets per crystal when performing tactical skills.
– Having an attribute weapon (Fire/Ice/Lightning) will match that attribute to the crystals
– 70 seconds Cooldown
230– Skill cooldown is reduced to 60
349– Skill duration is increased to 35 seconds
3. α50– Magic bullets is increased from 2 to 3
3. ß50– Magic bullet’s flinch effect is increased.

Arc Barrette

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Arc Barrete
Arc Barrette icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
112– Fires 4 non-attribute magic bullets in a row. (33% of attack power)
– Having an attribute weapon (Fire/Ice/Lightning) will share the same attribute to the skill
– Cost 30 EP
231– Increase Magic Bullets from 4 to 5
350– Increase Magic Bullets from 5 to 6
3. α50– Applies fear effect
3. ß50– Magic bullets will explode when enemies are hit.

Meteor Inferno

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Casting Meteor Inferno
Meteor Inferno icon
G LevelRelease LevelDescription
110– Perform a chant, drop a huge meteor from the sky, and burn a wide area with a powerful blow.
– 140 seconds cooldown

Class Abilities

Class abilities are more passive and provide you buff in order to support you in doing your role.

G levelNameIconRelease levelDescription
1/2/3Damage Burst10/22/34– G1: Increase damage when during burst bonus
– G2: Frequency increase
– G3: Frequency increase
1/2/3Action Support12/24/36– G1: Decrease Stamina consumption when jumping and dodging
– G2: Further decrease stamina consumption
– G3: Further decrease stamina consumption (-25%)
1/2/3Ultimate Mastery14/26/38– G1: Reduces the cooldown of Ultimate Skill (7 seconds)
– G2: Cooldown reduction (-9 seconds)
– G3: Cooldown reduction (-15 seconds)
1/2/3Defensive Charge16/28/40– G1: Reduce damage when doing class action (Engram Charge)
– G2: Increase Damage reduction
– G3: Further increase damage reduction (-50%)
1/2/3Transfer18/30/42– G1: Maximum HP decreases (-10%) and maximum EP increases (+10)
– G2: Maximum EP increase (+15)
– G3: Maximum EP increase (+20)
1/2/3Hate management (Class shared ability)20/32/44– G1: Reduces the likelihood of being targeted by the enemy.
– G2: Further reduces the likelihood of being targeted by the enemy.
– G3: Even Further reduces the likelihood of being targeted by the enemy.

Base abilities

These are abilities that is share all throughout the other classes

G levelNameIconRelease LevelDescription
1/2/3HP Up11/23/35G1: Increases maximum HP.
G2: Further Increases maximum HP.
G3: Even further Increases maximum HP.
1/2/3Attack Power Up13/24/37G1: Attack power increased.
G2: Further Attack power increased.
G3: Even further Attack power increased.
1/2/3Defense Up15/26/39G1: Increases Defense
G2: Further Increases Defense
G3: Even further Increases Defense
1/2/3Resilience Up17/28/41G1: Increases resilience
G2: Further Increases resilience.
G3: Even further Increases resilience.
1/2/3Affinity Rate Up19/30/43G1: Increase Affinity Rate
G2: Further Increase Affinity Rate
G3: Even further Increase Affinity Rate

Recommended build

Below is the recommended build for the Spell Weaver.

Version 1.00 strongest equipment – after clearing chapter 3 for Blue Protocol Spell Weaver

WeaponB- Imagine 1B-Imagine 2

Fire-Scatter Divine Cane


B-Pale Light Guard
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

EP Recovery



Arc Barrette
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2

Hate Management

Action Support
CloverMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

E-Bandit-Lair Effect

E-What’s in 6 months?

E-Troupe Bonding

E-Trick Elder chanting to the earth

E-Quad Arm Indiscriminate weapon of destruction

The Blue Protocol Spell Weaver has a low health pool meaning it can die easily. To avoid this you want to increase your health with the Torrent of Life G3. Skills like EP Recovery and Icicle are essential and the other two slots can be change to either Flame Grenade or Thunder Sphere depending on the content you are challenging to efficiently deal damage.

Version 1.00 strongest equipment – after clearing chapter 2 for Blue Protocol Spell Weaver

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-Imagine 2

Hornet Cane (Dark)


B-Evil Healer
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

EP Recovery



Flame Grenade
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2

Hate Management

Action Support
CloverMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

E-Bandit-Lair Effect

E-What’s in 6 months?

E-Troupe Bonding

E-Trick Elder chanting to the earth

E-Quad Arm Indiscriminate weapon of destruction

Since Blue Protocol Spell Weaver is mostly centered around casting spells and EP. It is recommended that Range attack builds are solo based until Chapter 2 of the story is cleared. If you don’t have EP recovery and EP, Kite using charged up Flame Grenades to dish out AOE damage. Since this is centered around playing solo, Changing Hate management to Ultimate mastery can be effective as you’ll be kiting most of the time and the opportunity to use your ultimate increases as well.

Build at the point of clearing chapter 1 of the story for Blue Protocol Spell Weaver

WeaponB-Imagine 1B-Imagine 2

Dragon Nail Cane (Thunder)


B-Shrimp Mushroom
Tactical Skill 1Tactical Skill 2Tactical Skill 3Tactical Skill 4

EP Recovery

Flame Blast


Flame Grenade
Class Ability 1Class Ability 2

Hate Management

Action Support
CloverMountainArrowheadWindmillWater Jug

E-Jakes Letter

E-God-Protected Land

E-Elder Goblin holding a cane

E-Melodies of Servant

E-Majestic Kaiser Elk

After clearing Chapter 1 of the story. Fire Blast and Flame Grenade are the main skills because Icicle is not yet G2. At level 29 at the end of chapter 2 of the story, you can get Icicle G2. So fight with fire magic in the early stages.

Blue Protocol Spell Weaver Showcase


In Blue Protocol Spell Weaver, You’re role in the party is to simply deal a lot of Single and AOE damage to help your party members eliminate enemies as quick as possible. With the chain system in the game. You can increase your damage by having damage burst class ability equip. If you ever run out of EP. Don’t worry as you can take a sit back and refill it back up by using Engram charge, Or you can manage spells by using your downward trinity shot to gain the EP recovery buff.

You have 3 elements to choose from, Fire/Ice/Thunder. When it comes to damage. Fire element will be the best in the early game as getting Icicle at G2 will be a grind so make use of fire spells for now when dealing damage in the early game. Ice is mostly debuff of slow or fear as per Ice shard However, once you reach level 29. Then you will have access to Icicle G2 which lets you drop 2 Icicle at one cast at the cost of 25 EP which is the same cost for Fire Blast (Your first ability).

Thunder is mostly around CC(Base on experience) due to most thunder spells have a flinch, which cancels any action that the enemy is casting(except bosses)


In Conclusion. Blue Protocol Spell Weaver is a glass canon and your soon to be party members will be relying on you to deal as much damage as possible. No pressure on that part as leveling up in this game will immediately get you a new tactical skill for your to try out.

Lay waste by casting spells at your enemies and refill EP when needed. If enemies get too close? You have plenty of stamina to teleport away and cast your spells.

You can check out our other guides here at MMO WIKI. while you wait for the release of Blue protocol. You can also visit our Community Discord for more Blue Protocol guides. See you there!

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