What is Blue Protocol?
Blue Protocol is an upcoming Free-to-Play Anime MMO Action RPG that is being developed by BANDAI NAMCO and has Amazon Games as its Publisher. It is the next MMO title that’s being added to the collection Amazon Games including New World and Lost Ark. The Release Date has not been announced but it was estimated to release on the second half of 2023.
Story and Setting
It is set on the World of Regnas on the continent of Magna, where you can freely explore and discover the secrets of its Lands. Learn more about your Origins and become the savior of this Planet.
The World of Regnas is massive and beautifully designed. From the Trading City of Asterliese that represents the Magna Continent that lies on the Southern Edge of the Asteria Plains, all the way to the Sharp Rocks of Bahamar Highlands and the Desert of Erstgreen Sands. There are plenty of monsters, treasures, and other secrets to uncover in this World.

Blue Protocol is an Action Based MMORPG. It is very much like New World and Dark Souls where you have a few hotkeys to use skills & utilities/consumables and a dodge/dash button to keep you safe or close gaps. It’s simple enough to learn but you can always go beyond these types of mechanics in game and become untouchable by your enemies.
Just like many other MMORPGs out there. It is a Class based system for Character Creation. It also offers many Challenges such as Dungeons and Raids that you can tackle with your friends or party up with random people in game who are looking for help just like you!
It also has an Arena Mode that you can play as a solo or with a party. The Arena is a Game Mode where you have to beat waves of enemies and earn rewards! It has multiple rank difficulties and the higher the rank the harder it gets and the better rewards you receive.
There is a crafting system in the game as well to improve the quality and strength of your gears or just craft items in general.

Character Creation
In Blue Protocol Character Creation Menu at the start of the game, there are plenty of ways to customize your character to better represent yourself in the game. There are a lot of combinations you can come up with from Hairstyle, Skin Color, Face Details, and even your Voice. But one of the things we found cool about the Character Creation is that you can choose the age group your character is in which also affects the way your character looks.

There are currently 5 Classes to choose from in Blue Protocol. All these classes have their unique gameplay that sets them apart from each other. Here is the list of Classes and a short description for you to get an idea whom to choose from and what suits your Playstyle.
Blade Warden
The Blade Warden is a Sword and Shield Class that takes the Frontline and is perfect for anyone looking for a Tank Playstyle.

Twin Striker
The Twin Striker is a Close Range Class that Dual Wields Axes, and is very suitable for anyone looking for a Fast Melee DPS.

Keen Strider
Keen Strider is your Long Range Archer, the perfect Range DPS / Support for Party Gameplay. This class uses a bow as its main weapon.

Spell Weaver
This Class is the only Mage in the Game at the moment. If you are looking for some Big Damage using Spells and Magic then this is the Class for you.

Foe Breaker
Lastly, The Foe Breaker. A Heavy Hitting Close / Midrange Class. It uses a Giant Hammer like weapon with a huge ball on it and also functions as a cannon and is perfect for anyone who likes Big Damage Bruisers.

Dungeons, Raids, and Arenas
Dungeons have become a staple content in most MMORPGs. Blue Protocol has Dungeons as well for those who are looking for some challenge! Go through the Dungeon and fight through groups of monsters & enemies and push through until you get to the Final Boss in the Dungeon and earn Big Rewards with your Party in Game or with your Friends!
You can have up to 6 People within your Party when doing Dungeons and you can Mix and Match Classes the way you and your friends want!

When it comes to Raids, Blue Protocol took a bit of a different approach. Most commonly when Raids are mentioned in MMORPGs, you usually will have to queue up with people in an instance. In Blue Protocol, Raids can almost feel like a Field Boss / World Boss approach to it.
Raid Bosses are in the middle of the map available for everyone to join, but the catch is that there is a Max of 30 people that can join in. Once there are 30 players in the zone, the perimeter will close and lock itself from other players, not allowing any more than 30 players to join in.
One cool thing we found is that you can have different numbers of people in your party or can join these raids as a solo player and fight alongside 29 other players.

Arenas is a Game Mode in Blue Protocol that allows you to have up to 6 People in your party or you can also go in a solo player if you’re looking to challenge yourself.
The Difficulty of the arena will increase the higher the rank level is. From C Rank with 5 Waves & a total of 25 enemies, all the way to S rank with 25 waves & a total of 100 enemies.

Crafting is an essential part of Blue Protocol. Upgrade your Gears or Make new ones at the crafting station. Or if you are in need of other items to help you in the battlefield, craft potions and other items to improve your gameplay and survivability.
You can even craft some Echoes once you’ve gathered the material needed for it by killing the Monsters you want to turn into Echoes.
Echoes (Imajinn)
Echoes also known as Imajinn in Japan are Summons in the Game or you can even think of them as Pokémons! There are different kinds of Echoes in the Game. Gather the materials needed and craft yourself some Echoes.
There are 3 Different kinds of Echoes in Blue Protocol at the moment.
Battle Echoes:
Battle Echoes are Summons in the game that you can use to aid you in battle in many different ways. It acts almost like a skill with cooldowns and every Echoes has its own purpose.

Enhance Echoes:
Enhance Echoes are Echoes that act like a Passive Skill. There are 5 Different Kinds of Enhance Echoes you can choose from but you can only equip one at a time.

Mount Echoes:
Mount Echoes are basically your Mounts/Vehicle in the game. This is a Mount you can summon to get from Point A to Point B much faster.

Release Date
Blue Protocol will be released during the second half of 2023. There is no exact date yet for the Official Launch of the game but we will keep you all updated here at MMO-WIKI for more info and Guides for Blue Protocol.
While Waiting for Blue Protocol make sure to check out our the other games we cover.