The Complete Blue Protocol Elements List

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! We wish you a pleasant day. You may find information on the Elements Enemy in this Blue Protocol Elements List. The “Element-Based Enemy” of the Blue Protocol is explained. Please refer to it when pursuing Blue Protocol since we have posted details on how to defeat the Elements type in addition to the Element-Based Enemy’s appearance location and material drops. To start our Blue Protocol Elements List guide, scroll down below.

Blue Protocol Elements List

Elements List

Monster NameSpawn LocationsDrops

Thunder Element
・Valley of Aircraft Traces / Additional Investigation
・Valley of Aircraft Traces
・Rush Battle 2nd Stage

Earth Element
・Bug of the Dawn / Additional Survey
・Borom Ruins / Additional Survey
・Fort of the Dawn
・Borom Ruins
・Borom Ruins / Free Search
・Rush Battle 4th Dan
Dynamic Engram Fragments
Dynamic Engram Crystal Pieces
Luno Gem Imu
Earth Spirit Crystal Fragment G1
E-Smoking Perishing Civilization in a Waterfall

Ice Element
・ Soundless City / Additional Survey
・ Ruins of a Giant Tower / Survey
・ Soundless City
・ Forest Road with Sunlight through the Trees / Free Search
・ Rush Battle 4 Steps
Dynamic Engram Fragments
Dynamic Engram Crystal Pieces
Lunogem Akba
E-Arena E-Minsterhorn
Village Portal

Ignis Element
・Birth House of the God of Shackles / Additional Survey
・Ruins of the Giant Pagoda / Survey
・Production House of the God of Shackles

Dark Element
・Cathedral of Blessing / Additional Survey
・Basilica of Blessing

Holy Element
・Pillars of the Gods
・Ruins of the Giant Pagoda / Survey
・Production House of the Gods / Free Search
Holy Element Core
Dynamic Engram Fragments
Dynamic Engram Crystal Fragment
Luno Gem Imu
E-Pillar Chronogate
E-Guardian Captain
Zorxia E-Heavenly Bullet Zorxia Sniper
E-Guardian Barrage Arm
Blue Protocol Elements List Conclusion1

Blue Protocol Elements List Conclusion

As a result, we’ve established that there are six distinct Elements or Element-based Enemies. They are Thunder Element, Earth Element, Ice Element, Ignis Element, Dark Element, and Holy Element.

What is more is that they have various spawn locations like Valley of Aircraft Traces, Rush Battle 2nd Stage, Bug of the Dawn, Borom Ruins, Rush Battle 4th Dan, Soundless City, Ruins of a Giant Tower, Forest Road with Sunlight through the Trees, Rush Battle 4 Steps, Birth House of the God of Shackles, Ruins of the Giant Pagoda, Production House of the God of Shackles, Cathedral of Blessing, Basilica of Blessing, Promotion, Pillars of the Gods, and Production House of the Gods.

You may not be aware of this, but only the Earth, Ice, and Holy Elements have a list of drops; Thunder, Ignis, and Dark Elements lack such a list. For additional information about the Blue Protocol Elements List, scroll down!

The Blue Protocol Elements List also detailed the items that each monster dropped, including Dynamic Engram Fragments, Dynamic Engram Crystal Pieces, Luno Gem Imu, Earth Spirit Crystal Fragment G1, E-Smoking Perishing Civilization in a Waterfall, Lunogem Akba, E-Arena E-Minsterhorn, Village Portal, Holy Element Core, E-Pillar Chronogate, E-Guardian Captain, Zorxia E-Heavenly Bullet Zorxia Sniper, and E-Guardian Barrage Arm.

Blue Protocol Elements List Conclusion2

We have two trivia in this Blue Protocol Elements List guide! First, move around so that no one is standing in front of you in order to beat the Element System. The fast lunge strike from the Element System is unleashed. You can attack while staying to the flanks and from behind because it moves quickly.

Second, try to avoid it when you are in the skies. When fighting at close range, the Element System will attack from a distance. You will rise once before a ranged attack, so attempt to dodge the back and launch a comeback. Scroll down for the last paragraph of this article named The Complete Blue Protocol Elements List.

The Blue Protocol Elements List is now complete, and we genuinely hope you learned a lot. We will be the first in the West to distribute the most recent Blue Protocol strategy instructions and information! We’ll let you know that.

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