Ultimate Blue Protocol Bandits List

This is the Blue Protocol Bandits List, Welcome! We’ll be giving you a thorough list of all the bandits you might run into in Blue Protocol in this Blue Protocol Bandits List. In Blue Protocol, bandits are infamous foes that roam around wreaking havoc and endangering players. Each bandit has a distinct style and drop, thus it’s critical to comprehend these details in order to effectively defeat them.

This Blue Protocol Bandits List will help you in the dangerous world of Blue Protocol with confidence, whether you’re an experienced player trying to improve or a beginner getting ready for your first encounter. Explore the world of bandits with me as we plunge in!

Blue Protocol Bandits List

Enemy NameLocationDrops
Asteria Plains > Andorra Basin
Asteria Plains > Terraces of Evening Calm
Montenoll Valley > Garry
Ridge Abandoned Road ・Evergreen Desert > Old
Rainfall Road ・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze ・
Borum Ruins ・Additional Survey
・Free search
・Rush battle 3rd stage
bandit boots Bandit boots
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
Luno Gem Luno Gem
Idea of ​​"Tyrant Boar" Idea of ​​”Tyrant Boar”
E-Elder Goblin wielding a staff E-Elder Goblin wielding a staff
Luno Gem Kimin Luno Gem Kimin
"Bandits" Idea “Bandits” Idea
B-Bandits B-Bandits
Luno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Soil Crystal Fragment G1 Soil Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Kagachi Yanma" Idea of ​​”Kagachi Yanma”
E-bandit lair E-Bandit Lair
bandit sharp sword Bandit Sharp Sword
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
Idea of ​​"Mask Moth" Idea of ​​”Mask Moth”
E-The aim is an oasis E-The Aim is an Oasis
E - end of dry wind E – End of Dry Wind
"Landhawk" idea “Landhawk” Idea
E-Bandit scout looking for targets E-Bandit Scout looking for Targets
E-Haze of Bygone Days E-Haze of Bygone Days
E-Falling Fallen Civilization E-Falling Fallen Civilization
bandit scout
Bandit Scout
・Montnor Valley > Garry Ridge Abandoned Road
・Evergreen Desert > Old Rainfall Road
・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze
・Borum Ruins
・Additional Investigation
・Free search
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
Luno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Soil Crystal Fragment G1 Soil Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Kagachi Yanma" Idea of ​​”Kagachi Yanma”
E-bandit lair E-Bandit Lair
Bandit Scout Jacket Bandit Scout Jacket
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
Idea of ​​"Mask Moth" Idea of ​​”Mask Moth”
E-The aim is an oasis E-The Aim is an Oasis
E - end of dry wind E-End of Dry Wind
Bandit Scout Sword Bandit Scout Sword
"Landhawk" idea “Landhawk” Idea
E-Bandit scout looking for targets E-Bandit Scout looking for Targets
E-Haze of Bygone Days E-Haze of Bygone Days
Bandit Scout Boots Bandit Scout Boots
E-Falling Fallen Civilization E-Falling Fallen Civilization
Bandit Scout Light Armor Bandit Scout Light Armor
E-Raging Great Calamity Giant E-Raging Great Calamity Giant
E-Desert Shadow Viper E-Desert Shadow Viper
E-Patrol Laser Gazer E-Patrol Laser Gazer
bandit magician
Bandit Magician
・Montnor Valley > Garry Ridge Abandoned Road
・Evergreen Desert > Old Rainfall Road
・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze
・Borum Ruins
・Additional Investigation
・Free search
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
Luno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Soil Crystal Fragment G1 Soil Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Kagachi Yanma" Idea of ​​”Kagachi Yanma”
E-bandit lair E-Bandit Lair
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
Idea of ​​"Mask Moth" Idea of ​​”Mask Moth”
E-The aim is an oasis E-The Aim is an Oasis
E - end of dry wind E-End of Dry Wind
Bandit Sorcerer's Heavy Boots Bandit Sorcerer’s Heavy Boots
"Landhawk" idea “Landhawk” idea
E-Bandit scout looking for targets E-Bandit Scout looking for Targets
E-Haze of Bygone Days E-Haze of Bygone Days
E-Falling Fallen Civilization E-Falling Fallen Civilization
bandit mage shoes Bandit Mage Shoes
E-Raging Great Calamity Giant E-Raging Great Calamity Giant
E-Desert Shadow Viper E-Desert Shadow Viper
E-Patrol Laser Gazer E-Patrol Laser Gazer
Exotic Bandit Rat
Exotic Bandit Rat
・Asteria Plain > Andorra BasinLuno Gem Luno Gem
The Idea of ​​"Exotic Bandit Rat" The Idea of ​​”Exotic Bandit Rat”
B-Exotic Bandit Rat B-Exotic Bandit Rat
Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat
Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat
・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze
・Rush Battle 4th Dan
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
Idea of ​​"Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat" Idea of ​​”Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat”
B-Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat B-Exotic Bandit Archer Wildcat
Exotic Bandit Scout Fox
Exotic Bandit Scout Fox
・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze
・Rush Battle 4th Dan
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
Fire Crystal Fragment G1 Fire Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Foreign bandit scout fox" Idea of ​​”Foreign bandit scout fox”
B-Exotic bandit scout fox B-Exotic Bandit Scout Fox
bandit archer
Bandit Archer
・Asteria Plains > Evening Calm Terraces
・Montenoll Valley > Garry
Ridge Abandoned Road ・Evergreen Desert > Valley of Haze・Borum Ruins ・
Additional Survey search
Bandit Archer's Gloves Bandit Archer’s Gloves
dynamic engram shard Dynamic engram shard
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
Luno Gem Kimin Luno Gem Kimin
"Bandits" Idea “Bandits” Idea
E-Goblin Camp and Goblin Meal E-Goblin Camp and Goblin Meal
Luno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Soil Crystal Fragment G1 Soil Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Kagachi Yanma" Idea of ​​”Kagachi Yanma”
E-bandit lair E-Bandit Lair
bandit archer pants Bandit Archer Pants
Luno Gem Chunk Luno Gem Chunk
"Landhawk" idea “Landhawk” Idea
E-Bandit scout looking for targets E-Bandit Scout looking for Targets
E-Haze of Bygone Days E-Haze of Bygone Days
E-Falling Fallen Civilization E-Falling Fallen Civilization
E-Raging Great Calamity Giant E-Raging Great Calamity Giant
E-Desert Shadow Viper E-Desert Shadow Viper
E-Patrol Laser Gazer E-Patrol Laser Gazer
bandit guard
Bandit Guard
・Borom Ruins ・Additional Investigation
・Borom Ruins ・Free Exploration
・Rush Battle 4th Stage
bandit guard coat Bandit Guard Coat
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
dynamic engram shard Dynamic Engram Shard
Luno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Soil Crystal Fragment G1 Soil Crystal Fragment G1
E-Falling Fallen Civilization E-Falling Fallen Civilization
☆Skilled leader
☆Skilled Leader
・Borom Ruins ・Additional Survey
・Borom Ruins
Brave Sword Light Brave Sword Light
Brave Ax Light Brave Ax Light
Brave Bow Light Brave Bow Light
Brave Staff Light Brave Staff Light
Brave Hammer Light Brave Hammer Light
・ Rush Battle 4th DanN/A
・ Rush Battle 4th DanN/A
Alien Bandit Chief Brown Bear
Alien Bandit Chief Brown Bear
・Borom Ruins ・Free ExplorationLuno Gem Imu Luno Gem Imu
Fire Crystal Fragment G1 Fire Crystal Fragment G1
Idea of ​​"Exotic Bandit Chief Brown Bear" Idea of ​​”Exotic Bandit Chief Brown Bear”
B-Exotic Bandit Chief Brown Bear B-Exotic Bandit Chief Brown Bear

That’s all for the list in this Blue Protocol Bandits List. Now for the next part of this Blue Protocol Bandits List, we will show you an effective way to fight bandits in Blue Protocol. Let’s get started!

How to effectively deal with bandits

Evade Blue Protocol Bandits List

Avoid getting hit when fighting bandits by dodging their blows. It is best to avoid the bandit-type carefully and do damage because they would grab the character in front of them and launch a slashing attack.


The Blue Protocol Bandits List Guide offers useful info on bandits you will find in the game. Combat success depends on having an understanding of the critical plan to drive the bandits from the area. Your experience with Blue Protocol will be easier and more successful if you plan ahead and modify your strategies appropriately.

With the knowledge in this Blue Protocol Bandits List you’ll be prepared to take on any bandit who crosses your path.

Battle Blue Protocol Bandits List

We really hope that this Blue Protocol Bandits List has been of assistance to you. Visit us at the MMO Wiki Blue Homepage or our Discord server if you have any additional queries or ideas regarding the game. We hope to see you defeating those bandits successfully and obtaining the items you’re looking for.

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