Red Ant Helmet

Red Ant Helmet Red Ant Helmet A fearsome kabuto crafted from a mix of red ants parts. Increaes hauling capacity. Hauling Strength OTHER ARMOR Red Ant Knee Guards undefined
Red Ant Arm Guards

Red Ant Arm Guards Red Ant Arm Guards A spaulder and gauntlet combo crafted from tough red ant parts. Increases hauling capacity. Hauling Strength OTHER ARMOR Red Ant Knee Guards undefined
Mite Hat

Mite Hat Mite Hat A fuzzy, stylish hat that increases stamina efficiency. Hyper Stamina OTHER ARMOR undefined
Grub Vest

Grub Vest Grub Vest An aerodynamic vest made from smooth grub hide leather that lends a boost to maximum stamina Max Stamina OTHER ARMOR Grub Leggins undefined
Grub Leggings

Grub Leggings Grub Leggings Slick and sick grub hide leggings that increase maximum stamina. Max Stamina OTHER ARMOR Grub Goggles undefined
Grub Goggles

Grub Goggles Grub Goggles Stylish goggles crafted from smooth grub hide strips. Increases maximum stamina with areodynamics. Max Stamina OTHER ARMOR Grub Vest undefined
Gill Tube

Gill Tube Gill Tube A mouthpiece formed out of eegrass strands and other hydrophobic materials. Creates a thin air pocket that allows for longer underwater breathing Junior Diver OTHER ARMOR undefined
Fin Flops+

Fin Flops+ Fin Flops+ Fashioned out of boatman fins and hydrodynamic materials, these inelegant flippers significantly improve swimming ability. Swim Speed OTHER ARMOR undefined
Fin Flops
Fin Flops Fin Flops Swim Speed OTHER ARMOR undefined

Eyepatch Eyepatch Whether it’s for an injury, strategy, or just plain fashion, this eyepatch will do the job. Not Found Attack OTHER ARMOR undefined