Curved Pebblet Path

Curved Pebblet Path A solid floor. Can also be used as a ceiling. Defence Sturdiness Weight 0.5 0.5 1.5 Pebbletx10 x x How to unlock:Purchasing Pebblet Foundation from the ASL Terminal
Pebblet Path

Pebblet Path A decorative path made of grouping a small quantity of pebblets together. Defence Sturdiness Weight 0.5 0.5 1.5 Pebbletx10 x x How to unlock:Purchasing Pebblet Foundation from the ASL Terminal
Mushroom Half Stairs

Mushroom Half Stairs Vertical traversal made mostly of mushroom bricks. Defence Sturdiness Weight ? ? ? Mushroom Brickx2 Acorn Shellx1 x How to unlock:???
Mushroom Stairs

Mushroom Stairs Vertical traversal made mostly of mushroom bricks. Defence Sturdiness Weight ? ? ? Mushroom Brickx4 Acorn Shellx2 x How to unlock:???
Grass Half Stairs

Grass Half Stairs Vertical traversal made mostly of grass planks. Defence Sturdiness Weight ? ? ? Grass Plankx2 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:???
Acorn Spiral Stairs

Acorn Spiral Stairs Stylish, compact vertical traversal made mostly of acorn shells. Defence Sturdiness Weight 2 4.5 4.5 Acorn Shellx8 Weed Stemx1 Crude Ropex6 How to unlock:Purchasing Multi-Story Bases from the ASL Terminal
Grass Stairs

Grass Stairs Vertical traversal made mostly of grass planks. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 4.5 2 Grass Plankx4 Weed Stemx1 x How to unlock:Purchasing Multi-Story Bases from the ASL Terminal.
Stem Pillar

Stem Pillar A sturdy pillar made of weed stems. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 4.5 2 Weed Stemx4 x x How to unlock:Purchasing Fortifed Bases from the ASL Terminal.
Mushroom Pillar

Mushroom Pillar A sturdy pillar made of mushroom bricks. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 6.5 2 Mushroom Brickx4 x x How to unlock:Analyzing Mushroom Brick
Pebblet Pillar

Pebblet Pillar A sturdy pillar made of pebblets. Defence Sturdiness Weight 1 9.5 2 Clayx2 Pebbletx6 x How to unlock:Purchasing Fortifed Bases from the ASL Terminal.