Hedge Lab Breach

Hedge Lab Breach In the Hedge Lab Location: Hedge Additional Information: The primary entrance to the Hedge Lab.

MIX.R In the eastern-most corner of the Hedge Location: Hedge Additional Information:
Hedge Lab

Hedge Lab In the higher section of the Hedge only reachable by building or the branches of the area Location: Hedge Additional Information: Contains the Hedge BURG.L Chip.
Flingman Flying Disc

Flingman Flying Disc In the branches of the Hedge Location: Hedge Additional Information: Leads to the Broodmothers Lair. Allows access to the rest of the Hedge. Contains the Supreme SCA.B.
Fizzam Can (Chuberry)

Fizzam Can (Chuberry) On the ground of the Hedge Location: Hedge Additional Information: The Legend SCA.B is located in it.
Field Stations

Field Stations On the Hedge Ascent Location: Hedge Additional Information: 21 Field Stations exist in the Backyard.
Apricop Punch-O

Apricop Punch-O In the branches of the Hedge Location: Hedge Additional Information: Counts towards unlocking the Juicy Mutation

MIX.R Under the porch of the house in the Haze Location: Haze Additional Information:
Haze Lab

Haze Lab In the center of the Haze near the lamp in the area Location: Haze Additional Information: Contains the Haze BURG.L Chip.
Exposed Pipe

Exposed Pipe Near the border with the Haze and Sandbox Location: Haze Additional Information: Leads to the pipe cave biomes. Two different Exposed Pipes exist in the Backyard.