Larva Spike

Larva Spike A sharp, dangly appendage taken from the corpse of a disgusting larva.
Ladybird Shell

Ladybird Shell The nearly impenetrable shell of an aggressive ladybird.
Ladybug Part

Ladybug Part Iconic red and black piece of a ladybug. Beautiful and tough.
Iridescent Scale

Iridescent Scale A beautiful scale taken from a firefly that makes a strong, pliable resource for crafting.
Grub Sludge

Grub Sludge Mysterious goo excreted from grubs.
Grub Hide

Grub Hide Plush, warm skin harvested from a common grub.
Gnat Fuzz

Gnat Fuzz Dull grey hairs taken from a gnat.
Glow Goo

Glow Goo The mysterious juices that allow fireflies to glow.
Fungal Growth

Fungal Growth Incredibly unstable chunk of fungus.
Fire Ant Part

Fire Ant Part Thick chunks of fire ant that seem very strong.