Berry Leather

Berry Leather A strong textile made from dried berry skin
Spoilet Meat Slurry

Spoilet Meat Slurry A thick paste of blended spoiled meat.
Repair Glue

Repair Glue This stuff sticks to anything! Can repair armor and weapons that have been upgraded past a certain point.
Plant Slurry

Plant Slurry A thick paste of blended plant bits.
Mushroom Slurry

Mushroom Slurry A thick paste of blended mushroom bits.
Crude Rope

Crude Rope A pliable textile made of interlaced plant fiber useful in crafting.
Charcoal Ash

Charcoal Ash A fine dust made of charcoal. Can be baked into a strong building material..
Bug Rubber

Bug Rubber A handcrafted sludge of sap and carefully milked acid gland that hardens into a makeshift rubber material.
Ash Cement

Ash Cement An incredibly strong building material.
Weevil Roast

Weevil Roast Roasted and delicious meat of a weevil. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger.