Fresh Defense

Fresh Defense A plume of mint dust envelopes you and sends a cool wave rippling through your skin. Cells activate a freshness layer to combat the sting of all that stinks and burns. Effects Increases Resistance to gas and burning damage (25%/50%/50%). Sizzle rate reduction (25%/50%/75%). Obtained From Phase 1: Eat 1 Mint Shard. Phase […]
Reliable Friend

Reliable Friend Life in the lawn is filled with narrow escapes and you’ve been right there for all of it. Your muscle memory, mixed with hope and determination, makes a harrowing rescue all the more probable. Effects Increases Player Revive Speed (25%/50%/75%). Obtained From Phase 1: Revive a Friend 5 Times. Phase 2: Revive a […]
Cardio Fan

Cardio Fan Exhausting your tiny body over and over again, your cells adopt a more efficient respiration process. Effects Increases Stamina Regen (10%/15%/20%). Decreases exhaustion time. (10%/20%/30%) Obtained From Phase 1: Exhaust the player 100 times. Phase 2: Exhaust the player 250 times. Phase 3: Exhaust the player 500 times

Merteen The push and pull of thick, rich pond water coaxes your gummy little body into becoming a part of this world. Your permeable skin begins to utilize an electrochemical gradient that propels your limbs like tiny flagella and aids in respiration. Effects Increases Underwater Oxygen Time by 10%. Increases Swim Speed by 15% Obtained […]
Natural Explorer

Natural Explorer With each Landmark found you gain a better understanding of the lay of the land. Your tiny feet traverse the yard like it’s the back of your hand. Powered by intuition, your tiny feet skitter through the muck and weeds ever quicker. Effects Increases Movement Speed (20%/35%/50%) All speed bonuses cease in certain […]

Juicy Like a true bookworm, you can’t resist a wall of text. An encyclopedic knowledge of beverage ingredients enriches you. Effects Thirst Decreases 50% slower. Obtained From Discover all 5 Juice Boxes
Coup de Grass

Coup de Grass Discovering a beacon of hope in the darkness lifts your will to survive. Bursts of inspiration flash before your eyes in the heat of battle as you land blows one can only describe as lucky. Effects Increases Critical Hit Chance (2.5%/5%). Obtained From Phase 1: Discover the 4 Leaf Clover Landmark. Phase […]

Ant-nihilator The ant has become a familiar threat, and you begin to know your enemy inside and out. Death and devastation greet all ants that face you. Effects Increases damage dealt to Black Ant, Fire Ants, and Red Ants. (5%/15%/25%). Phase 3: Increases damage resistance to Black Ants, Fire Ants, and Red Ants by 10%. […]
Rock Cracker

Rock Cracker A path of destruction is left in your wake and it’s clear that busting makes you feel good. Your little arms bring hammers down with an ever-growing efficiency. Effects Increases Busting Efficiency (25%/50%/100%) Obtained From Phase 1: Bust 25 rocks. Phase 2: Bust 60 rocks. Phase 3: Bust 105 rocks
Grass Master

Grass Master Like an insatiable lumberjack you’re becoming a living lawn mower. Your intimate knowledge of chopping grass allows you to topple them with increasing ease. Effects Increases Chopping Efficiency. (25%/50%/100%). Harvesting grass has a 100% chance to return a certain amount of stamina. (5/10/15) Obtained From Phase 1: Chop 50 Blades of Grass. Phase […]