Mosquito Beak

Mosquito Beak The thin, sharp beak of a mosquito. Seems like it could penetrate almost anything.

Mite Fuzz

Mite Fuzz Vibrant red hairs taken from a mite.

Larva Spike

Larva Spike A sharp, dangly appendage taken from the corpse of a disgusting larva.

Ladybird Shell

Ladybird Shell The nearly impenetrable shell of an aggressive ladybird.

Ladybug Part

Ladybug Part Iconic red and black piece of a ladybug. Beautiful and tough.

Iridescent Scale

Iridescent Scale A beautiful scale taken from a firefly that makes a strong, pliable resource for crafting.

Grub Sludge

Grub Sludge Mysterious goo excreted from grubs.

Grub Hide

Grub Hide Plush, warm skin harvested from a common grub.

Gnat Fuzz

Gnat Fuzz Dull grey hairs taken from a gnat.

Glow Goo

Glow Goo The mysterious juices that allow fireflies to glow.