Splinter Trap
Splinter Trap A heavy duty spike trap designed to seriously hurt. Ash Cementx1 Wooden Splinterx2 Lint Ropex1 How to unlock:Analyze Ash Cement
O.R.C Distribution Bomb

O.R.C Distribution Bomb A spit for roasting and illuminating the darkness. You can tell food is ready when it looks tasty. Pebbletx4 Sprigx3 Dry Grass Chunkx3 How to unlock:Analyzing Sprig
Pollen Turret

Pollen Turret A stationary turret that requires manual operation. Lobs pollen nuggets at flying enemies to help bring them to the ground. Deals extra damage against creatures involved in defense events. Acorn Topx1 Silk Ropex3 Flower Petalx1 How to unlock:Buy Turret: Pollen
Pebblet Turret

Pebblet Turret A stationary turret that requires manual operation. Rockets high velocity pebblets at enemies. Deals extra damage against creatures involved in defense events. Acorn Shellx2 Silk Ropex3 Flower Petalx1 How to unlock:Buy Turret: Pebblet
Explosive Bur Trap

Explosive Bur Trap Highly volatile, will explode as soon as something spicy hits it. Deals massive damage against creatures involved in defense events. Spiky Burx1 Fungal Growthx4 Lint Ropex1 How to unlock:Analyze Spiky Bur
Lure Trap
Lure Trap Lures insects with an enticing aroma. Flower Petalx2 Sprigx2 x How to unlock:Buy: Lures
Spike Trap

Spike Trap A spikey board that damages any creature that touches it. Perfect for protecting a base from intruders. Weed Stemx1 Thistle Needlex3 Sapx1 How to unlock:Analyzing Thistle Needle
Stem Pallet

Stem Pallet A platform on which weed stems can be neatly stacked. Pebbletx2 Sprigx4 Dry Grass Chunkx3 How to unlock:Analyzing Dry Grass Chunk
Plank Pallet

Plank Pallet A platform on which grass planks can be neatly stacked. Crude Ropex4 Pebbletx5 Dry Grass Chunkx3 How to unlock:Analyzing Dry Grass Chunk
Fresh Storage

Fresh Storage A storage device built to suspend food spoilage using Ice Caps mints. Pinecone Piecex5 Mint Shardx5 Black Ant Partx5 How to unlock:Discover Frostbitten Recipe