Simple Bed

Simple Bed A simple yet comfy bed that offers up a good night’s sleep. Waking up here really pumps you up for the day. Weed Stemx4 Acorn Shellx2 Crow Feather Piecex2 How to unlock:Analyzing Crow Feather Piece

Lean-To Sleep to bypass the extra dangerous nighttime or set a respawn point to return to in the event of death. Clover Leafx3 Sprigx2 x How to unlock:Analyzing Clover Leaf
Dew Collector

Dew Collector Store and collect dew to use later. Crude Ropex5 Pebbletx8 Weed Stem x6 How to unlock:Analyzing Silk Rope
Water Container

Water Container This hollowed-out acorn can store up to six drops of liquid. Acorn Shellx3 Crude Ropex2 Clover Leafx1 How to unlock:Analyzing Àcorn Shell
Smoothie Station

Smoothie Station Mixes n’ blends things into a drinkable substance that restores health or provides various side effects. Acorn Topx1 Sprigx1 Grub Sludgex5 How to unlock:Analyzing Grub Sludge or Acorn Top
Jerky Rack

Jerky Rack Hang raw meat on the rack to dry it into jerky. Jerky never goes bad, but while it restores health, it makes you a little thirsty Bombardier Partx5 Crude Ropex6 x How to unlock:Analyzing Bombardier Part
Garden Patch

Garden Patch A small patch of dirt that can be used to grow various things. Crude Ropex8 Weed Stemx6 Acorn Topx1 How to unlock:Analyzing Acorn Top
Roasting Spit

Roasting Spit A spit for roasting and illuminating the darkness. You can tell food is ready when it looks tasty. Pebbletx4 Sprigx3 Dry Grass Chunkx3 How to unlock:Analyzing Sprig