Zipline Rope

Zipline Rope It provides faster and longer reaches of transportation for woods and players. Equipable: No Upgradable: Yes Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Flashlight Attachment

Flashlight Attachment You can put your Flashlight Attachment to your Pistol, if you attach the Pistol Rail to it, or to your Shotgun, if you attach Shotgun Rail to it. It will provide a good amount of light to the front of your gun, and won’t consume any batteries. Equipable: No Upgradable: Yes Throwable: No […]
Water Can
Water Can The Water Can collects any type of water so you can water your plants. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Walkie Talkie

Walkie Talkie A communication method for Co-op but it is possible it can be used with companions. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE

Tarp They are human tents that have been abandoned, but lucky you that you can use them to save or sleep. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Skin Pouch
Skin Pouch Sometimes dropped by Cannibals similar to the bag you open at the beginning of the game. With a very low drop chance, this can be opened to receive items like: Meds, Energy Bars, Energy Drink, Duct Tape, Cloth, Wire, Oyster, Coins, Cash, Feather, Ammo, Berries, and 9mm Ammo. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: […]

Slincer Silencer can be attached to the Pistol only. Greatly reduces the sound of the Pistol and doesn’t takes the attention of cannibals around. It is more for a silent approach. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Shotgun Rail

Shotgun Rail The shotgun rail is used to add attachments to the shotgun. Items include the flashlight and laser sight. The rail also has shell loops to store shotgun shells for faster reloading. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Rope Gun

Rope Gun It can be used on specific ropes in a few caves to cross gaps that wouldn’t otherwise be possible without it, as well as to create your own zip lines. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Resin Canister
Resin Canister Resin Canisters are items filled with resin used in combination with the 3D Printer to make items that are as of yet unknown. Resin will come in different colors, allowing the player to make unique multicolored items. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE