Repair Tool
Repair Tool As it is being said, just a repairing tool. It helps to repair buildings that have been built by the players. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE Stick x1 Rope x1 Rock x1
Red Mask

Red Mask If cannibals already know you from your violence against them, and subsequently hate your presence, the Red Mask may not work on them. Pulling it out and using it doesn’t make an aggressive cannibal suddenly passive. The player must deaggro the cannibal first and then approach them with the mask drawn. Golden Masked […]

Rebreather Rebreather provides oxygen when diving underwater, as well as a weak headlamp to light up sunken areas. Must be equipped from the inventory to take effect, taking up no equipment slots to do so. Leaving it equipped appears to cause no negative side effects. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Printed Sled

Printed Sled Printed Sled is used when you left-click in the meanwhile jumping off from a height while equipped. It is useful to negate fall damage completely, can abuse this from any height you want to jump from. You can also slide down with Printed Sled in the snow biome. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: […]
Printed Flask

Printed Flask The Printed Flask is a potable water container that can be crafted using a 3D printer. You can fill it with water from rivers and lakes. The flask costs 100mL of resin to craft. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Pistol Rail

Pistol Rail Pistol Rail is used for attaching the Laser Sight and Flashlight Attachment on the Pistol. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE

Lighter Lighter is your beginning light source that will help you through until you find the flashlight. Even if you find the flashlight, if you don’t want to spend your Batteries, you can use it after it still, maybe to light up the torches as well. You will use your lighter to start a fire, […]
Laser Sight

Laser Sight Laser Sight can be attached to the Pistol if the Pistol rail has attached to it, or the Shotgun if the Shotgun rail has attached to it. Once it has been attached, you can shoot more accurately at the point where the laser reflects. If you aim with right-click while the Laser Sight […]
Guide Book

Guide Book Guide Book is essential if you are going to build something. The Guide Book tells you how the building system works, and what kind of structures, furniture, and houses you can do. There is also a catalog part that you can build the thing you want automatically, by only bringing the required material […]
GPS Locator

GPS Locator GPS Locator is a little device that you can mark a specific spot on the map with the icon you determined, which can be seen through the monitor of your GPS. You can also give them to your companions to track, who are Kevin and Virginia. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: Yes CRAFTING […]