GPS GPS is the main tool you will have to use to navigate yourself and the locations. You will see purple exclamation marks, which are the locations of the GPS Locators with the people who died with them. You can change the marker icon by changing it through the GPS Locator you take from there. […]
Glider Use this Hang Glider to get around the map quicker! It is also extremely fun. This is an item you hold onto, you cannot put this in your bag or store it so make sure you look after it. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: Yes CRAFTING RECIPE
Golden Mask

Golden Mask The Golden Mask has a greater effect than the Red Mask and even works on masked enemies- provided they don’t already hate your guts. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE

Flashlight Flashlight is the best light source you can have in the game comes with a cost. It has a bar that can end, when that happens, your flashlight is not likely going to work. You have to replace new batteries for the flashlight to work again. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE

Flare Flare can be used as a light source that is the only throwable one out of any light sources. It is usable to see better in the caves before you move forward. Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: Yes CRAFTING RECIPE
Emergency Pack

Emergency Pack Emergency Pack comes to your inventory when you wake up from the helicopter crash at the beginning of the game. From the package, you get Utility knife, Tactical Axe, GPS, Guide Book, Walkie Talkie, Lighter. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Can Opener

Can Opener Can Opener is used only for opening Canned Food, which gives Cat Food from its inside. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE

Binoculars Equipable: Yes Upgradable: No Throwable: No CRAFTING RECIPE
Air Tank

Air Tank The Air Tank is a bottle of compressed air used to refill the Rebreather. It resembles a real-life, aluminum, 3000psi, 15-minute air canister for lightweight diving gear. They are on the small side and can be easily missed if you’re moving quickly or don’t know it’s there. Equipable: No Upgradable: No Throwable: No […]