Printer Resin

Printer Resin Printer Resin is a gatherable item that can be used to fill the 3D Printer. There will be different types/colors of resin, to add a dash of customizability to the things that you can print with the 3d printer. Equipable: No Used for crafting 3D Printer Items

Wire Crafting material for Time Bomb and Tech Armor. Equipable: No Used for crafting Tech Armor Time Bomb

Watch Crafting material for Time Bomb. Equipable: No Used for crafting Time Bomb

Tarp The Tarp is used to setup quick tents while out exploring the island. Perfect for sleeping through the night. Equipable: Yes Used for crafting Tent

Stick You can craft Weapons, Arrows, Torches, Tools, Furniture, Fences, and Door lock. You can also put a Tarp on the ground, then can put sticks to the sides of the Tarp so it will be a place you can save your game, rest to refresh energy, and pass the time. Equipable: Yes Used for […]
Small Rocks

Small Rocks Can be thrown. Hitting a cannibal may cause them to attack or run away. Hitting a bird can cause some feathers to fall off. It is used as ammunition for the Slingshot. Equipable: Yes Used for crafting Stone Arrow

Skull Skulls can be put on sticks as decoration or location markers, as well as placed on the posts of stick fences. In general, they are used for furniture. You can also try to scare cannibals away by holding and left-clicking at them. Doesn’t work much but sometimes does. Equipable: Yes Used for crafting Crafted […]

Rope Crafting material for many items. For the Bone Armor, most of the Crafted Weapons, and the Repair Tool. Can also be used for furniture and house buildings. Equipable: Yes Used for crafting Crafted Club Crafted Spear Crafted Bow Repair Tool Bone Armor

Rock Building material, mostly to fortify the buildings you make. Nothing important, just stone. Can also be used as a weapon, but really, don’t. Equipable: Yes Used for crafting

Leaf Crating material for Leaf Armor. Equipable: No Used for crafting Leaf Armor