
Torch Melee ● The Torch can be used as a lightning source maybe better than lighter, and also as a weak weapon. Damage: Very Low Speed: Medium Throwable: No Block: Very Low Melee CRAFTING RECIPE Stick x1 Cloth x1
Utility Knife

Utility Knife Melee ● Start of the game The Utility Knife is an item that the player starts with, and it can be used to craft Crafted Spears. It is also used in any animation that involves the player skinning an animal. It is of little use in combat. It is notable for having a […]
Time Bomb

Time Bomb Throwable ● The Time Bomb is used to blow up the Sluggy (The Blob) inside the caves. It can also be used as a form of a grenade. It will detonate a few seconds after being thrown by the player, resulting in a large-scale explosion. Damage: Very High Speed: Slow Throwable: Yes Block: […]
Stun Gun

Stun Gun Ranged ● Cave Number 1 Stun Gun requires ammo and only works at close range. When a cannibal is successfully stunned, it will stop moving and fall to the ground, open to attacks. Mutants hit by the Stun Gun display their own stunned animation. Enemies remained stunned for around 5-8 seconds, during which […]
Tactical Axe

Tactical Axe Melee ● Start of the game The player’s starting tool for cutting wood alongside the Utility Knife, which while not as strong as the Modern Axe is light and allows the player to swing multiple hits. Damage: Low Speed: Fast Throwable: No Block: Medium Melee CRAFTING RECIPE
Stun Baton

Stun Baton Melee ● On the lake, covered with skulls just west of Cave Number 4 Stun Baton is used as a disarm and crowd control tactic, it temporarily gives enemies a seizure that it makes contact with as well as doing a decent amount of damage from the swing. It requires Batteries as ammunition. […]

Slingshot Ranged ● On a body at the enterance of Cave Number 5 Slingshot is greatly lacking in power compared to the other ranged weapons in the game, but can be an inexpensive and invaluable way to incapacitate squirrels and rabbits should the player find themselves in dire need of meat. It can be a […]

Shovel Melee ● Cave Number 15 The Shovel can be used to Dig your way into Maintenance hatches but also to Dig up Graves where you will find Items in. Damage: Very Low Speed: Medium Throwable: No Block: No Block Melee CRAFTING RECIPE

Shotgun Ranged ● GPS Locator marker in grave / On the bar counter of Cave number 3 / in Cave number 13 The Shotgun uses both high-damage buckshot and long-range slugs. Look down and press R to change ammo types, similar to the bow. The shotgun has 8 shots before needing to reload. Damage: High[Buckshot] […]
Rope Gun

Rope Gun Utility ● Cave Number 4 It can be used on specific ropes in a few caves to cross gaps that wouldn’t otherwise be possible without it, as well as to create your own zip lines. Damage: No Damage Speed: Throwable: No Block: No Block Utility CRAFTING RECIPE