
Orca They are hostile when they see you, and they are known to be quite elusive. They can be killed but not skinned. Yields: How to Kill: They are tougher and faster than the sharks, and also bigger. So you better be prepared with armor at least if you come across one of them. They […]

Turtles Turtles are passive animals that can provide valuable resources like Raw Meat and a Turtle Shell. The ones at sea beaches do give you a turtle shell, while the ones at puddles do not. Yields:1 Meat1 Turtle Shell How to Kill: SMASH

Salmon Salmon yields 1 Raw Fish when killed. They can also be brought to you by Virginia, as a gift. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried which gives back health and satiates hunger. Yields:1 Raw Fish How to Kill: Spear is recommended to hunt fish, or set up traps on the waterside to catch. […]

Birds Birds are a common type of bird, found everywhere on the island. They yield feathers when killed, you have to jump and collect them in mid-air. But drops no meat. Yields:3 Feathers How to Kill: While it is flying to you, you can use any melee weapon that has a wide hitbox, can also […]

Seagull The Seagull is a passive animal. When killed, they drop 4-5 Feathers and can be skinned for 1 Raw Meat. Their corpse can be hit an additional time to drop 3-4 Feathers and one more time for 2-3 Feathers. Yields:4-10 Feathers1 Raw Meat How to Kill: They can fly very high, so it is […]

Squirrel The Squirrel is a passive animal that when skinned, will drop one raw meat. They appear in reddish-brown, grey, and black. Yields:1 Raw Meat How to Kill: You can easily kill it. Grab any melee weapon, run with it, and hold the left mouse to smash, it will die on one show with anything, […]

Rabbit The Rabbit is a passive animal. When skinned, Rabbits will drop one raw meat. They can be found in brown, grey, black and rarely white, and can be caught in a small animal trap. Yields:1 Raw Meat How to Kill: You can easily kill it. Grab any melee weapon, run with it, and hold […]

Moose Moose are passive animals that can be found primarily on the east side of the island. Currently, only male models of moose appear in the game. Provides plenty of Hide and Meat. Yields:2 Animal Hides7 Raw Meat How to Kill: Approach from its behind while crouching, and when you are close to it while […]

Deer Deers will skittishly run from you on sight. They can vary in size, the smaller ones slower and easier to kill. Provides you meat and Hide. Yields:1 Animal Hides3 Raw Meat How to Kill: Approach from its behind while crouching, and when you are close to it while it is sitting and resting, start […]

Duck Ducks yield feathers, and 1 raw meat when skinned. They aren’t a very common sight on the island but can be recognized instantly by their typical quacking. Yields:3-4 Feathers1 Raw Meat How to Kill: They can fly very high, so it is recommended to kill them with any ranged weapon, even a slingshot works.