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Developer Diaries: Building Tool

Developer Diaries: Building Tool

The next video in our Developer Diaries series is now available! If you missed our previous video covering the In this series, check out our previous post here. you’ll get to know the team at Intrepid Studios. We will be covering a variety of development aspects from level design to animation!

In the second installment of our Developer Diaries, we take a look behind the scenes of the technology that shapes our building tool as Devin Lafontaine (one of the Senior Environment Artists) and Steven Sharif (our CEO and Creative Director) discuss the creation of the tool and how it will affect players as they adventure throughout the world of Ashes of Creation.

We hope you enjoyed this segment on the building tool. Please keep checking back for all the latest Ashes of Creation updates – we will be providing a database, interactive map, resources and more on launch!


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