The PTR has been updated once again. These patch notes are probably close to what we can expect for the next 5-day testing period later this week.
- New Pocket Dungeons! These are Apothecarium Dreadmire, Communion, The Gypsum Outpost, and Stone Hold
- Added an outpost in the Sandsquall Desert to accommodate the future Squall’s End Node, with new unique commodities
- Added two new lawless ZOIs, for future Djinna and Squall’s End Nodes
- This expanded area in the Sandsquall Desert is a work in progress
Enemies & NPCs
- Sandsquall Desert dungeons have new rewards from named mobs
- Fewer NPCs will spawn under the ground or in the air
- Crystal Golems have been renamed to Djinnbound
- Increased the respawn time of Djinnbound to 120 seconds
- 1 and 2 star Fire Skeletons can now spawn
- 3-star armored bear elites and a unique armored bear boss have been added
- Bandit Captain and Bandit Healer elite star ranks have been adjusted
- The NPC enemy population has been updated in Befallen Forge, Snakebite Stash, Tower of Carphin, Brood Pit, and the Sandsquall Desert
- The NPC enemy population has been updated in and around Aithanahr and Azmaran
- Visual effects have been updated for for Skla’risha, Bellowsmasher, Flaming Skeletons, Rock Elementals, Bears, Hippos, and Ostracon
- Animations have been updated for for Skla’risha, Rock Giants, Rock Monsters, Rock Elementals, Skeleton Reapers, Tortoises, and Hefty Caplings
- Enemy behavior for Forgelord Zammer, Hippos, and Undead Dünir has been updated
- Snakebite Stash – Adjusted the speed of scorpions here
- Caravans can no longer be helped or harmed without first joining the Caravan event
- Fixed a bug that allowed unattackable Caravans to be launched
- Leaving a Caravan event and logging out will no longer put a character back in the Caravan event
Quests, Events & Commissions
- More Commissions are available in the Sandsquall Desert
- Staunch the Blood Blade can now be completed
- Ostracon Hunt event has a reward added to the end
- Updated many events so that they can now be completed and their markers have been updated to reflect their actual locations
Economy & Artisanship
- Huntable creatures have been updated to provide more of the intended experience for Hunting and Animal Husbandry
- Fixed a large number of floating gatherables
- Adjusted the Marketplace list item pop up to display the pre-tax listing price
- Fixed a bug causing Commodity tooltips to show Commodities as being worth 0 copper
- Ancient Dunzen Longbow and Shortbow recipes have been fixed
- Obsidian Jewelry recipes have been fixed
- Forsaken Spellbooks will now be crafted at the correct rarity
- Recipes that were supposed to use dried acacia and date palm have been fixed
User Interface
- Added the option to show or hide your character’s helmet
- Updated icons for quest delivery, quest completion, PVP flags, Node icons, and empty artisanship gear slots
- The inventory background has been updated
- A 10 second pop up will appear when receiving a friend request. If this request is timed out or closed, the invite will not be declined. The friend request will appear in the social menu
- Chat window styling has been updated
- Save changes will now work after using the restore defaults button in the loot setting menu
- Adjusted the color of toggled general action buttons
- Added a storage button to the Commodity vendor to open and close the storage window
- Sandsquall Desert environment and visuals have been updated
- Sandsquall Desert Dungeon environments have been updated
- Sandsquall Desert world map has been updated
- Tower of Carphin has updated visuals
- Updated lighting pass for the Tower of Carphin, Ursine Caves, and Brood Pit
- Removed a green light that would appear during sunrise
- Rain sound effects have been updated
- Idle music will now fade out as intended
- General audio cleanup passes
- The Rebel’s Reward bracers have been updated to have a heavy set bonus
- Fixed a bug that would cause characters to be attacked by soldiers if they died in the Sandsquall Desert
- Fixed a bug preventing a character from being able to respawn at their home choice Embershrine
- Fixed a number of server and client crashes
- Updated a variety of descriptions on items and equipment
- Fixed a bug that would prevent gender selection after race selection had been completed during character creation
- Updated animations for the Daystrider Mule
- Fixed some issues with floating Freeholds
PTR Update Notes – Wednesday, February 26, 2025
- Caravans should no longer have issues with the event to join as attacker or defender after server restarts
- Caravan owners can no longer abandon their Caravan event
- Caravans have been changed, so their status as a target isn’t related to their Caravan owner
- Healing a character that’s in a PVP event you are not part of will now flag you as a combatant
- The PVP force function or settings override is now needed to heal a character that is inside of a PVP event
- Processing experience will now take into account the rarity of Hunting gatherables used
- Sandsquall Desert world map has been updated
- The heat shimmer effect in the Sandsquall Desert has been reduce in intensity
- Fixed a bug causing the citizenship dues alert to happen even after dues have been paid
- Fixed a bug causing foliage to appear under the world near Nodes
- Fixed a bug causing default text to sometimes show up in menus