The Complete Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide

For starters, this Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide will be a valuable resource in your understanding of the class’s numerous aspects, including its powers, skills, and gaming mechanics. It will offer helpful knowledge and perceptions that will enable you to fully realize the Blade Warden’s potential and have the most fun on your gaming expeditions. So what are you waiting for? Let us now learn all things about Blue Protocol Blade Warden!

Blue Protocol Blade Warden

Blue Protocol Blade Warden Class Summary

The Blue Protocol Blade Warden class has a strong defensive playstyle and specializes in close-quarters combat so if you want a close fight, the Blade Warden class is suitable for you. This class proves to be highly durable with abilities like self-healing, damage-reduction skills, and shield defense.

In addition, Blue Protocol Blade Warden can use crowd control techniques like stuns and restraints to stop opponents and can use provocation skills to provoke enemies into attacking while protecting fellow soldiers from damage. Because of the shield’s limited durability—it could become temporarily useless after taking a few hits—care must be taken. Its lack of firepower, however, makes it difficult for it to make a major damage contribution.

Since this class is not very tanky, it can be challenging to fight numerous foes at once. For this reason, it is important to give priority to strong opponents, particularly those with high attack power. This Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide will teach you various builds to concentrate on later on!

  • Shield Gauge
    • As the shield absorbs enemy strikes, the Shield Gauge decreases, reflecting the shield’s durability. The shield will break when it hits zero, making shield-based abilities useless for a certain period. But when the shield isn’t being used, the Shield Gauge gradually refills over time.
    • When successfully landing an evasion attack right after dodging an enemy attack, the shield gauge recovers a specific amount.


Here is the starting stats for Blue Protocol Blade Warden.

LevelPhysical StrengthStaminaDexterityIntellectMental StrengthAttackCritical RateKaishinrikiDefenseResilienceHPST
*Take note that it is scaling per level*

Skills and Abilities

Continuing on the Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide, there are different types of skills and abilities. As a Blue Protocol Blade Warden user, you need to understand all of those skills to utilize the class strength to the maximum level!

Blade Warden Skills

Base Actions

  • Break Slash (Normal Attack)
Acquisition ConditionSkill Description
G1Lv. 1A four-stage attack that slashes with a sword. The second stage executes a rotating slash attack by attacking while simultaneously pressing the left and right direction buttons.
G2Lv. 5If you attack while entering the up button, the third stage is derived from a light attribute thrust attack.
G3Lv. 12When initiating an attack while pressing the down button, it activates the second stage, which involves executing a shield strike. Successfully landing an attack grants a temporary reduction in the shield gauge consumption or a small boost for a specific duration.
  • Shield Guard (Class Action)
Acquisition ConditionSkill Description
G1Lv. 1By holding a shield, you can effectively block incoming attacks. Each successful guard will consume a portion of the shield gauge. Once the shield gauge reaches 0, the shield enters an unusable state known as the “shield break state.” However, when you manage to block an attack successfully, you can respond with a counter slash by pressing the normal attack button.
G2Lv. 19Shield gauge recovery speed increase.
G3Lv. 38Shield gauge maximum increase.
  • Assault Attacks
GSkill Description
G1Following a jump onto enemies, you can trigger an attack and restraint move by simultaneously pressing both the attack and shield buttons. This move inflicts damage on the enemies and restrains them in place.
  • Evasive Attacks
GSkill Description
G1When you dodge, press the attack and shield buttons simultaneously to boost your attack power. This combination of actions enhances your offensive capabilities while effectively evading incoming threats.

Tactical Skills

  • Shield Charge
Blue Protocol Blade Warden Shield Charge
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 120sWhile holding your shield, you can perform a lunging attack that delivers a powerful strike to enemies that can result in stunning by hitting them. However, remember that guarding while lunging increases the consumption of your shield gauge.
G2Lv. 2020sStun duration extension.
G3Lv. 3920sExtended lunging distance.
G3αGuild Master20sIt can execute a three-stage attack sequence.
G3βClear Mission20sDuring lunging, shield gauge consumption decreases.
  • Crescent Light
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 220sExecutes a slashing attack with a light attribute in front of himself. By adding input from the skill button, it becomes possible to perform a two-stage attack.
G2Lv. 2120sIncrease in optical attribute accumulation value.
G3Lv. 4020sIncreased damage dealt.
G3αGuild Master20sIncreased attack surface.
G3βClear Mission20sThe slash stays on the spot and becomes a multi-stage hit.
  • Celeste Pillar
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 320sGenerate an area that continuously damages light attributes around itself.
G2Lv. 2220sIt can be charged, and the damage dealt increases as the charge level increases.
G3Lv. 4120sYou can charge more, and as the charge level increases, the damage dealt increases.
G3αGuild Master20sArea Duration Extension.
G3βClear Mission20sThe charging time is extended, but the accumulated value of the light attribute given increases.
  • Enhancement Circle
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 430Create an area centered on itself that gives the player damage down and medium. The effect is continuously granted to players who are in the area and loses when they leave the area.
G2Lv. 2330Area Duration Extension.
G3Lv. 4230Area Expansion.
G3αGuild Master30Attribute resistance value increased and added to the imparting effect.
G3βClear Mission30Damage increased and added to the effect.
  • Shield Dash
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 510sExecute a dash attack with a button input, and you can halt the attack by pressing the button again. Performing these attacks consumes stamina. By adding the skill button input, you gain the ability to perform a finishing attack. While lunging, you have the option to guard against incoming attacks but keep in mind that doing so will deplete the shield gauge at a faster rate.
G2Lv. 2410sDecreased stamina consumption during dash attacks.
G3Lv. 4310sIncreased movement speed during dash attack.
G3αGuild Master10sIncreased damage dealt to the finish attack when dashing for more than a certain distance.
G3βClear Mission10sDuring a dash attack, the shield gauge will no longer be consumed.
  • Sunrise Charge
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkills Description
G1Lv. 610sHold your shield and lunge at them. When hit, it emits a shockwave of light attributes. During lunges, there is a guard judgment that allows you to guard attacks but increases the consumption of shield gauges.
G2Lv. 2510sExtended lunging distance.
G3Lv. 4410sThe three-stage attack is possible with an additional skill button input.
G3αGuild Master10sGetting hit by a shockwave will attract enemies.
G3βClear Mission10sShockwave range extended.
  • Regeneration
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 740sGrant yourself HP continuous recovery and medium.
G2Lv. 2640sInterval shortening.
G3Lv. 4540sIncreased total recovery.
G3αGuild Master40sTotal recovery increased further.
G3βClear Mission40sIncreased recovery speed.
  • Blow Beat
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 835sHe performs shockwave attacks centered on himself. Inflict taunts on hit enemies. It also greatly increases the susceptibility of targeting.
G2Lv. 2735sInterval shortening.
G3Lv. 4635sIncreased attack surface.
G3αGuild Master35sIncreased susceptibility to being targeted when attacking hits.
G3βClear Mission35sWhen an attack hits, attack power is reduced or small is added.
  • Rampart
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 920sWhile holding down, deploy a giant shield. Shield gauge reduction was disabled during deployment. It cannot be moved during deployment and disappears over time.
G2Lv. 2820sInterval shortening.
G3Lv. 4720sExtended deployment duration.
G3αGuild Master20sWith the giant shield deployed, the shield can be separated by entering the normal attack button or dash button. During separation, de-detach by entering the skill button.
G3βClear Mission20sGuard with a giant shield to accumulate energy. At the end of the deployment, a shockwave attack is performed according to the stored energy level.
  • Taunt
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 1030sUpon activation, any attack that successfully lands can grant a taunt effect, drawing the attention of enemies. The taunt effect lasts for a certain duration or until the character receives the next hit from any attack.
G2Lv. 2930sShortened intervals.
G3Lv. 4830sProvocation effect time extension.
G3αGuild Master30sWhen activated, grants itself Super Armor.
G3βClear Mission30sAt the end of the effect, the shield gauge is restored.
  • Bind Slash
Acquisition Condition Cooldown Skill Description
G1Lv. 1112sPerforms an enemy-piercing slashing attack in front of himself. Grant constraints to hit enemies.
G2Lv. 3012sExtended constraint effect time.
G3Lv. 4912sIncreased slashing range.
G3αGuild Master12sSlashing attack range is reduced, but 3-stage attacks are possible with additional input of skill buttons.
G3βClear Mission12sThe slash you fire stays on the spot.
  • Fortress
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 1230sFor a certain period of time, the consumption of the shield gauge when guarding is successful is greatly reduced.
G2Lv. 3130sEffect time extension.
G3Lv. 5030sShield gauge consumption was further reduced.
G3αGuild Master30sDuring activation, if the guard counter is performed, a slash will occur at the time of activation.
G3βClear Mission30sDuring activation, a light attribute explosion occurs when the guard is successful.

Ultimate Skill

  • Glitter Mode
Acquisition ConditionCooldownSkill Description
G1Lv. 10190sUpon activation, this ability provides the character with HP restoration and multiple beneficial effects. If activated during a shield break, it not only revives the shield but also strengthens it. During its activation, successfully performing attacks or guarding will increase the ULT gauge. When the gauge is fully charged, an additional input of the ULT button consumes the gauge to grant allies damage reduction, medium damage boost, and continuous HP recovery.

Blade Warden Abilities

Class Abilities

  • Hateful Damage (Class Shared Abilities)
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 10Increases the susceptibility of targeting from damaged enemies.
G2Lv. 19Increased targeting.
G3Lv. 38Increased targeting.
  • Vanguard
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 12Damage dealt increases. The effect increases as the remaining amount of the shield gauge increases.
G2Lv. 21Increased damage dealt.
G3Lv. 40Increased damage dealt.
  • Fast Fix
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 14Reduce the time to recover from a shield break.
G2Lv. 23Time-saving.
G3Lv. 42Time-saving.
  • Untouchable
Acquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 16Damage inflicted increases if you haven’t taken damage for a certain amount of time since the start of the battle.
G2Lv. 25Increased damage dealt.
G3Lv. 44Increased damage dealt.
  • Guard Assist
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 18Reduces shield gauge consumption when guarding is successful.
G2Lv. 27Reduced consumption.
G3Lv. 46Reduced consumption.
  • High Resurrect (Class Shared Abilities)
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1Lv. 20When you successfully rescue another player, revive the other player’s HP with a more recovered status.
G2Lv. 29Increased recovery.
G3Lv. 48Increased recovery.

Base Abilities

  • HP Up
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1 / G2 / G3Lv. 11 / Lv. 23 / Lv. 35The maximum HP value increases.
  • ATK Up
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1 / G2 / G3Lv. 13 / Lv. 25 / Lv. 37Attack Power increases.
  • DEF Up
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1/ G2 / G3Lv. 15 / Lv. 27 / Lv. 39Defense increases.
  • Recovery Up
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1 / G2 / G3Lv. 17 / Lv. 29 / Lv. 41Recovery increases.
  • Critical Rate Up
GAcquisition ConditionAbility Description
G1 / G2 / G3Lv. 19 / Lv. 31 / Lv. 43Critical Rate increases.

Recommended Build

In this Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide, there are many different recommended builds to try out. In each chapter in the main story, the recommended build will be changed because you will face different challenges from time to time!

Chapter 1

There are no enemies that require significant hate management upon completing Chapter 1 of the story. This Blue Protocol Blade Warden is important to focus on since it can enhance firepower and acquire skills that can inflict substantial damage. While Regeneration is useful for progressing through the story, you can replace it with the ranged damage skill Celeste Pillar when hunting miscellaneous enemies.

  • Weapon / B – Imagine 1 / B – Imagine 2

Dragon Nail Edge Lightning

B – Dark Green Tusks

B – Iron Fang
  • Tactical Skills

Shield Charge

Bind Slash

Crescent Light

  • Class Abilities


  • Enhance Imagine






Chapter 2

  • Weapon / B – Imagine 1 / B – Imagine 2

In solo play, you should concentrate on building a build for Blue Protocol Blade Warden that optimizes firepower until you complete Chapter 2 of the narrative. Since there is no need to generate hate, you won’t need any skills or abilities related to hate management. Regeneration is still a good option to take into consideration because of its self-healing qualities, even though it might not increase firepower.

Hornet Swork Darkness

B – Small Fighter

B – Empty White Gravel
  • Tactical Skills

Shield Charge

Bind Slash

Crescent Light

  • Class Abilities


  • Enhance Imagine






Chapter 3

We advise choosing an Imagine or talent that increases your firepower and building your setup to do damage and generate hate from the opposition. Remember that Crescent Light and Blow Beat are versatile abilities in Blue Protocol Blade Warden. Thus, you can modify them according to whether the circumstance demands that you concentrate on causing harm or generating hate.

  • Weapon / B – Imagine 1 / B – Imagine 2

Extreme Flame Weapon

B – Ein Rein β

B – Guard of the Pallor Light
  • Tactical Skills

Shield Charge

Bind Slash

Blow Beat

Crescent Light
  • Class Abilities

Hateful Damage

  • Enhance Imagine







This Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide can help you to have a clear knowledge of how to utilize this class to its maximum potential properly! There are different gameplay that you can use depending on the situation, so it is better to jot down notes.

  • Changing of skills when playing solo or party
    • It’s necessary to have your own weaponry and modify your abilities depending on what’s happening when playing as a Blue Protocol Blade Warden alone. For greater firepower, this can involve adding more offensive skills. Playing in a party group requires you to have supportive abilities in order to provide them with the necessary help.
Blue Protocol Blade Warden Skills
  • Fight while disrupting your enemies
    • Blue Protocol Blade Warden possesses abilities that can disrupt enemy actions, including stuns and restraints, making it advisable to engage in combat while restricting the enemy’s movements. Initiating attacks with stuns and binding skills is highly recommended in group battles and when fighting alone, as this can establish a starting point for executing powerful combos.
Blue Protocol Blade Warden Stun
  • Hit the right timing
    • Blue Protocol Blade Warden primarily relies on shield defenses to counter incoming attacks. When you counter well, you can do damage more safely and unleash a strong strike. But you can’t utilize the shield gauge for a specific amount of time if it totally empties, therefore it’s best to battle always conscious of how much gauge is left.
Blue Protocol Blade Warden Shield
  • Take the damage to protect your allies
    • The Blue Protocol Blade Warden possesses a variety of abilities that increase their targetability and deflect enemy attention from their allies. Spellcasters and Twin Strikers in particular are easily targeted and can swiftly suffer a lot of damage. To maximize their effectiveness and complement the firepower buffs of other players, Blue Protocol Blade Warden must use their enemy targeting abilities. They may defend their team and utilize their offensive capabilities in this manner.
    • You can take the enemy’s aggro by using your talents, such as Blow Beat and Taunt. This Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide will help you to comprehend the significance of those two abilities.
Blue Protocol Blade Warden Dungeon


You can refer to this Blue Protocol Blade Warden as you advance on playing this class. With its high maximum HP and the ability to wield a shield for guarding and other buffs, the Blue Protocol Blade Warden is excellently suited for tanking. With that, you can utilize your high survivability in engaging combat while protecting your allies.

Additionally, you will learn proper placement techniques from our Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide. When positioned nearer the opponent in preparation for an attack, the Blue Protocol Blade Warden can also increase the firepower. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the attack skill’s interval is longer than the attacker’s. To be a more useful member of the squad, it is crucial to consider the Blue Protocol Blade Warden to be a tank or support player rather than an attacker.

We hope this Blue Protocol Blade Warden Guide was able to help you understand its strength to the next level! If you are interested to know about the other classes, we also have that Guide for you. Or you can ask us some questions in our Discord!

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