What Server Size will Dune Awakening Have?

As we get closer to a Beta release for Funcom’s upcoming MMO Dune Awakening people have started to look at planning their guilds and alliances. While doing so they have ran into questions regarding the server capacity of Dune Awakening’s servers. What Server Size will Dune Awakening Have?

Lineage 3 or Throne and Liberty?

With the recent reveal of project TL becoming Throne and Liberty fans of the Lineage series have wondered what this means for Lineage 3.

Insulating Larva Spike Location

Insulating Larva Spike Featured Image

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find and access later on in the Backyard is the Insulating Larva Spike.