Ultimate Crafting and Lithograph Guide – Throne and Liberty

Crafting and Lithograph Book Ultimate Guide for Throne and Liberty

The Crafting System can be confusing at first but it is important to understand and utilize it effectively to increase your character power in Throne and Liberty

Ultimate Amitoi and Amitoi Expeditions Guide – Throne and Liberty

The Ultimate Guide to Pets and Amitoi Expeditions in Throne and Liberty

Amitois are more than cute little pets that follow you around in Throne and Liberty. This guide will explain all the benefits of Amitois and Amitoi Expeditions!

Ultimate Fishing Guide – Throne and Liberty

Ultimate Fishing Guide explaining the Fishing System in Throne and Liberty

Fishing helps you gather important cooking ingredients and bonus loot. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Fishing in Throne and Liberty

Ultimate Cooking Guide – Throne and Liberty

Cooking System or how to cook in throne and liberty

Cooking is all about efficiency and gaining an upper hand. This guide will help you become a Master Chef in Throne and Liberty!

Rune System Ultimate Guide – Throne and Liberty

Rune System in Throne and Liberty article Banner

Runes are relatively new to TL but there is a lot of depth to them and it takes time to figure out. This guide explains everything you need to know about the Rune System.

Ultimate Beginner Traiting Guide – Throne and Liberty

Throne and Liberty Traiting banner

Traiting is one of the most important TL systems when it comes to your character power. This Traiting guide explains everything you need to know about traits.

Throne And Liberty Adds A Server Transfer Feature

After a quick reveal during the last TL live we have now gotten more information about the much anticipated Server Transfer Mechanic

Gate of Infinity Swirling Firestorm – Throne and Liberty

Gate of Infinity Swirling Firestorm guide explains new time trial mechanics and provides advanced tips to complete this weekly challenge and maximize your rewards!

Complete Guide To Tax Delivery In Throne And Liberty

Everything we know about the dynamic Tax Delivery event in Throne And Liberty

Throne And Liberty February 21st Attendance Guide

The February 21st Attendance Guide covers​ all the rewards players can expect to obtain through daily logins from February 21st till March 13th.