Blue Protocol Named Enemy List – Complete

What’s cooking, Gamers? Today we’ll be going over the Complete Blue Protocol Named Enemy List! With the sheer number of enemies you can face in Blue Protocol, you’ll be an expert hunter of these enemies after this article! Here we’ll be covering their spawn locations and all their possible drops!

Scroll down below for the Complete Blue Protocol named enemy list!

Blue Protocol Named Enemy List

Blue Protocol Named Enemy List

In Blue Protocol, Named Enemies have specific criteria that they have to meet in order to spawn.
Which are defeating a certain amount of mobs near their spawn. They take time to reappear after being defeated, and some enemies have fixed time zones.

All In-depth enemy guides are linked below!

Enemies Per Region

In this section, we will cover each Blue Protocol named enemy found in their respective regions.

Their respective articles are linked below!

Asteria Plane

Pink Uribo

Enemy NameLocationsDrops
Pink Uribo
Pink Uribo
Defeat Uribo of the Plains of the Sea RingingLuno Gem MatRuno Gem
{ink Uribo Idea
“Pink Uribo” idea

Dark Green Fang

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Dark Green Fang
Asteria Plain>Andorra Basin
Rush Battle 2nd Stage
>Defeat the Boar Enemies of the Andorra Basin
Luno Gem MatRuno Gem
“Dark Green Fang” idea

Iron Fang

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Iron Fang
Giant Dragon’s Claw Marks and Free Search
>Defeat the giant dragon’s claw scar and free search boar enemy
Runo Gem Ickx
B- Iron Fang Imagine“Iron Fang” Idea

Furious Gold

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Furious Gold
Terraces > the Asteria Plain
>Defeat the Tyrant Boa Glow near the southeast of the terraces
*Night Only
Luno Gem KiminLuno Gem Kimin
Lightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1 MatLightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1
“Fierce Gold” Idea

Rough Fang King

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Rough Fang King
Giant dragon claw marks / additional investigation
Giant dragon claw marks
fierce battle! Giant Dragon’s Claw MarksGiant
Dragon Claw Marks, The Tower of the Beginning of Free Search
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Lightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1 MatLighting Spirit Crystal Piece
“Rough Fang King” idea

Fierce Beast

Enemy NameLocationsDrops
Fierce Beast
Fierce Beast
Asteria Plain>
Minster Hills Rush Battle 2nd Stage > Defeat the Landfox of the Minster Hills
Luno Gem MatRuno Gem
“Fierce Beast” idea

Exotic Bandit Rat

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Exotic Bandit Rat
Asteria Plain> Andorra Basin
>Defeat the bandits of the Andorra Valley
*Only at Night*
Luno Gem MatRuno Gem
“Exotic Bandit Rat” idea

Red Droplets

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Red Droplets
Asteria Plain> Minster Hills
>Defeat the goblin enemies of the Minster Hills northeast
Luno Gem MatRuno Gem
“Red Droplets” idea

Sapphire Gecko

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Sapphire Gecko
Silent City, Free Exploration“Sapphire Gecko” idea

The Giant of Resilience

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

The Giant of Resilience

Flame Prison

Enemy NameLocationsDrops
Flame Prison
Flame Prison
Terraces > the Asteria Plain
>Defeat the Ogre Enemy of the Terraces
*Night Only
Luno Gem KiminLuno Gem Kimin
Fire Spirit Crystal Piece G1
“Flame Prison” Idea

Breakers of Providence

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Breakers of Providence
The forest that never stops raining > Free Exploration
>Defeat the Draug in the west of the rainy forest and free exploration
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Immu
“Providential Breaker” Idea

Bahamar Plateau

Guard of the Pallor Light

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Guard of the Pallor Light
Forest of Fire / Free Exploration
>Defeat the Enemies in the Northern Fire Forest
Luno Gem Imu
Earth Spirit Crystal Piece G1
“Guard of the Pallor Light” Idea

Dyed in Vermilion

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Dyed in Vermillion
Birth House of the Shackle God, Additional Investigation>Birth
House of the Shrine of the Shrine God> Free Exploration
>Defeat the Golem in the northeast of the Birth House of the Shackles, Freedom Search
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Fire Spirit Crystal G1
“Dyed in Vermillion” Idea

Abandoned Automata

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Abandoned Automata
Birth House of the Shackles, Free Search
>Defeat the Quad Arm in the center of the free search
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
“Abandoned Automata” Idea

Tricks Elder

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Tricks Elder
Bahamar Plateau > Fierrei Water Pond
>Defeat the Goblin Enemies of Fierling Water Pond
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Fire Spirit Crystal G1
“Tricks Elder” Idea

Shellfish Collecting Heretic

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Shellfish Collecting Heretic
Bahamar Plateau > Fierrei Water Pond
>Near the bottom of the waterfall of Fierrei Water Pond
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Earth Spirit Crystal Piece G1
Landfox Idea“Shellfish Collecting Heretic” Idea

Evil Healer

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Evil Healer
Tranquil foothills > the Bahamar Plateau
>Defeat the goblin enemies at the foot of the Calm Mountain
Luno Gem Muruk
“Evil Healer” Idea

Emerald Horn

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Emerald Horn
Bahamar Plateau > Fierrei Water Pond
> Appears on the west side of Fierrei Water Pond
*Night Only
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Ice Spirit Crystal Fragment G1
“Emerald Horn” Idea

Flame Horn

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Flame Horn
Bahamar Plateau > God’s Watchful Hill
>Defeat the Kaiser Elk northwest of the hill watched over by God
*Night Only
Luno Gem Muruk
“Flame Horn” Idea

Spooky Goat

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Spooky Goat
Tranquil foothills > the Bahamar Plateau
> Defeat the Horngoats at the Bergmar Village Ruins
Luno Gem Muluk
“Spooky Goat” idea

Sapphire Trot

Enemy NameLocationsDrops
Sapphire Rot
Sapphire Trot
Bahamar Plateau > God’s Watched Hill
Rush Battle 2nd Stage
>Defeat the Highland Fox on the Hill watched over by God
Lunogem Muluk
“Sapphire Trot” idea

Montenor Valley

Vivid Nappo

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Vivid Nappo
Montenor Valley > Galley Ridge Abandoned Road
>Defeat Nappo in the northeast of Galley Ridge Abandoned Road
*Night Only
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Earth Spirit Crystal Piece G1
B - Vivid Nappo Imagine“Vivid Nappo” Idea

Vanguard of the Valley

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Vanguard of the Valley
Montenor Valley > Galley Ridge Abandoned Road
>Defeat the Mooke Scout in the northwest of Galley Ridge Abandoned Road
*Night Only
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Lightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1 MatLightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1
“Vanguard of the Valley” Idea

Hunters in the Valley

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Hunters in the Valley
Montenor Valley > Melisos Basin
>Defeat the Mooke Enemies of the Melisos River Basin
Luno Gem Khan
“Hunters of the Valley” Idea

Small Fighter

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Small Fighter
Montenor Valley > Rizze Trade Route
>Defeat the Mooke Enemies of the Rizze Trade Route
Luno Gem Khan
“Small Fighter” Idea

Empty White Gravel

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Empty White Gravel
Forest roads with sunlight shining through the trees, free exploration
>Defeat the forest road shining through the trees and the enemies of free exploration
Runo Gem Akba
“Empty White Gravel” Idea


Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Montenor Valley > Melisos Basin
>Defeat the Cynoid spiders of the Melisos River basin
Lunogem Muluk
“Predator” idea

Sky Serpent

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Sky Serpent
Montenor Valley > Rizze Trade Route
>Defeat Kagachi Yamma on the south side of the Rizze Trade Route
Luno Gem Khan
“Sky Serpent” idea

Evergreen Desert


Enemy NameLocationsDrops
Evergreen Desert> Orbido Plain
>Defeat the Lizard Ghost of the Orbido Plain
Runo Gem Macni
“Basilisk” Idea

The Great Eagle

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

The Great Eagle
Evergreen Desert> Orbido Plain
>Defeat the Land Hawk of the Orbid Plain
Runogem Makuni
“Great Eagle Idea”

Foreign Bandit Chief

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Foreign Bandit Chief
Borom Ruins and Free Exploration
>Defeat the bandits in the circular room south of the Borom ruins
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Fire Spirit Crystal G1
“Foreign Banid Chief” Idea

Draug Lapis

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Draug Lapis
Borom Ruins / Additional Investigation
Borom Ruins Borom Ruins
/ Free Search
>Defeat enemies in the room at the east end of the Borhom Ruins and Free Search
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Earth Spirit Crystal Piece G1
“Draug Lapis” Idea

Quinn Mask Moth

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Quinn Mask Moth
Evergreen Desert > Rainfall Old Road
>Defeat the Mask Moth of the Rainfall Old Road
Luno Gem ChunkLuno Gem Chunk
“Quinn Mask Moth” Idea

Sand Python

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Sand Python
Evergreen Desert > Rainfall Old Road
>Defeat the Viper near the north of the Three Umbrellas in the desert
Luno Gem ChunkLuno Gem Chunk
Earth Spirit Crystal Piece G1
“Sand Python” Idea

Stiff-armed Champion

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Stiff-Armed Champion
Dust > Evergreen Desert without returning
>Party up with 5 or more people at the Dogolman appearance site
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Lightning Spirit Crystal Fragment G1 MatLightning Spirit Crystal Piece G1
“Stiff-armed Champion” idea


Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Dust > Evergreen Desert without returning
>Defeat the Viper in the dusty northwest without returning
*Night Only
Luno Gem ImuLuno Gem Imu
Fire Spirit Crystal G1
“Orochi” Idea

Hermit’s Sharp Shears

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Hermit’s Sharp Shears
Evergreen Desert > windstop wasteland
>Defeat the giant spider in the southwest of the wind-stopping wasteland
*Night Only
Runo Gem Akba
Ice Spirit Crystal Fragment G1
“Hermit Sharp Shears” Idea

Crawling Feather Sound

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Crawling Feather Sound
Evergreen Desert > windstop wasteland
>Defeat the Yanma Enemies in the Windstop Wasteland
Runo Gem Akba
“Crawling Feather Sound” Idea

Omega Function

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Omega Function
Stage of the Wind Spirit, Free ExplorationTBA

Bandit Shooter

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Bandit Shooter
Valley of the Flames > Evergreen Desert
>Open the black treasure chest of the Valley of the Sun Flame
Luno Gem ChunkLuno Gem Chunk
“Bandit Shooter” Idea

Exotic Bandit Scout

Enemy NameLocationsDrops

Exotic Bandit Scout
Evergreen Desert> Valley
of Flames Rush Battle 4th Dan
>Defeat bandits in the northern part of the Valley of the Sun Flame
*Night Only
Luno Gem ChunkLuno Gem Chunk
Fire Spirit Crystal G1
“Exotic Bandit Scout” Idea

That’s all for the Blue Protocol Named Enemy List, Folks! Before we sign out—Why not check out our Blue Protocol Homepage, for more updates on our articles and guides? Don’t forget to join our growing community in our Discord!

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