A Fell Venture

However we are super excited for Information on Alpha Two and Beta, so in the mean time, lets take a look at this cute Fell Venture.

Know Your Nodes: Economic Node Type

Economic Node Featured Image

Nodes in Ashes of Creation is going to be a large part of the game. Some areas will grow, other will fall. Lets take a look at the Economic Node Type.

Lore of the Hippogryph

hippogryph featured image

The hippogryph has been a symbol of noble and majestic strength for numerous cultures. Find out the lore here.

Regalia of the Iron Lion

Iron Lion Featured Image

The Iron Lion is a fairly new order, one formed out of a desire to control the unknowable. Find out more here.

Know Your Nodes: Scientific Node Type

Scientific Node Type Featured Image

Nodes in Ashes of Creation is going to be a large part of the game. Some areas will grow, other will fall. Lets take a look at the Scientific Node Type.

Dev Diaries: Node Tool

Understanding how Ashes of Creation is being developed is a really nice insight into what we can expect when the game finally launches. In this article we take a quick look into the Node Tool and the Node Tec

Know Your Nodes: Advance and Destroy

City Hall Image 1

Nodes in Ashes of Creation is going to be a large part of the game. Getting to Know your Nodes is pretty vital if you’re looking to get into AOC. Nodes are part of the foundation of the game, some areas will grow, other will fall. Lets take a look at Advance and Destroy.

Know Your Nodes: The Basics

In this series, we’ll be going over all the aspects of Nodes in Ashes of Creation from the basics all the way to how government elections