Weapon and Gear Mods provide unique “buffs” to your armor and guns and sometimes can even be “build defining”. Whether you want to focus your build around Status Damage, Crit Rate or Weakspot Damage, it is important to understand which Mods suit your weapons and your playstyle the best and then figure out where to farm them.
In Once Human, every Gold (Legendary) Mod will roll additional sub-stats. Doing Silos and Boss fights on HARD difficulty will guarantee you Gold Mod drops, while doing this content on MASTER difficulty will guarantee you a purple sub-stat on your Gold Mod!
Now that you know essential farming tricks for Mods in Once Human, feel free to use the Navigation panel to browse through the Alphabetical list of all Gold Mods in Once Human or search for a specific one you are after.
Click below to Navigate ⬇ All Gold Mods in Once Human
Silo Alpha
Mods for: Helmet
Map Location: Chalk Peak
Enemy Type: Rosetta
Boss: Rosetta Chief Bruiser

Deviation Expert

(Status DMG)
Range -25.0%, Fire Rate +10.0%, Status DMG +20.0%

Bullet Siphon

(Weapon DMG)
Weapon DMG +5.0%. Every 5 bullets consumed in the mag grants +4.0% Weapon DMG, capping at 20.0%

Crit Amplifier

(Crit DMG)
Crit DMG +30.0%

Crit DMG Boost

(Crit Rate)
Crit Rate + 14.0%


(Crit DMG)
Each Crit Hit by non-melee weapons grants +5.0% Crit DMG, up to 45.0%. The effect is removed upon the next reload.

Elemental Amplifier

(Status DMG)
Reloading an empty mag grants +10.0% Status DMG for 12 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Lifeforce Boost

HP +12.0%

Melee Amplifier

(Melee DMG)
Melee DMG +20.0%

Melee Momentum

(Melee DMG)
Killing with melee attacks restores 30.0% of Max Stamina and grants +20.0% Melee DMG for 8 seconds

Reload Rampage

Killing 2 enemies refills 2 bullets from inventory (no more than half of the mag), and grants +10.0% Weapon and Status DMG, lasting until the next reload

Three Strikes

Using Healing Shots grants +75.0% Movement Speed for 2 seconds, and refills the mag to 75% from the inventory

Weakspot DMG Boost

Weakspot DMG +30.0%
Silo EX1

Blaze Amplifier

Every stack of Burn grants extra DMG equal to 3.0% Psi Intensity

Boomerang Bullet

The 6th Bounce is Precision Bounce with base DMG +50.0% and guaranteed Crit Hit

Cryo Blast

(Frost Vortex)
Being affected by Frost Vortex has a 10.0% chance to become Frozen for 2 seconds. Being killed when frozen will result in an explosion, dealing Frost Damage equal to +50.0% Psi Intensity.

Explosive Shrapnel

The 20th Shrapnel is explosive with base DMG +200.0% and guaranteed Crit Hit

Reckless Bomber

(Unstable Bomber)
Each 1% Crit Rate grants +0.7% Unstable Bomber DMG

Rush Hour

Every 10% HP loss grants +3.0% Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG

Ruthless Reaper

Killing 3 enemies refills the mag to 100.0% from inventory

Secluded Strike

Having no enemies within 7 meters around you grants +15.0% Weapon and Status DMG

Shooting Blitz

(Fast Gunner)
Triggering Fast Gunner every time grants +2.5% Weapon DMG for 10 seconds, up to 20 stacks

Slow and Steady

+10.0% Melee, Weapon, Status DMG. When HP is above 90%, DMG +10.0% additionally

Targeted Strike

(Bull’s Eye)
25.0% DMG on targets affected by The Bull’s Eye


(Power Surge)
After triggering Power Surge 20 times, the next Weapon Shot summons Heavenly Lightning (250.0% Psi Intensity Shock DMG) at the target point.
Silo PHI

Critical Rescue

(DMG Reduction)
DMG Reduction 20.0% and Healing Received +20.0% when HP is below 30%

Enduring Shield

(DMG Reduction)
Using Healing Shots results in DMG Reduction decreasing from 30.0% to 10.0% for 6 seconds.

Fateful Strike

(Crit DMG, Crit Rate)
No additional Weakspot DMG, Crit DMG +30.0% and Crit Rate +10.0%

First-Move Advantage

(Crit Rate, Weapon DMG)
Crit Rate +10.0% and Weapon DMG +10.0% within 2 seconds after reloading

Head-on Conflict

(DMG Reduction)
Having enemies within 7 meters around you grants a 10.0% DMG Reduction. Taking melee DMG from enemies grants an extra 10.0% DMG Reduction for 5 seconds

Healing Fortification

(DMG Reduction)
Using Healing Shots grants 40.0% DMG Reduction for 2 seconds

Mag Expansion

(Mag Capacity)
Magazine Capacity +25.0% when the magazine is empty

Precise Strike

Hitting Weakspots grants +15.0% Weakspot DMG for 3 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Quick Comeback

Using Healing Shots grants +75.0% Movement Speed for 2 seconds, and refills the mag to 75% from inventory


Killing restores 15.0% of lost HP when HP is above 75%

Work of Proficiency

(General Conditional)
Reloading an empty mag grants 10% Reload Speed and +15.0% Status DMG, lasting until the next reload
Silo PSI

Blaze Amplifier

Every stack of Burn grants extra DMG equal to 3.0% Psi Intensity

Cryo Blast

(Frost Vortex)
Being affected by Frost Vortex has a 10.0% chance to become Frozen for 2 seconds. Being killed when frozen will result in an explosion, dealing Frost Damage equal to +50.0% Psi Intensity.


(Crit DMG)
Each Crit Hit by non-melee weapons grants +5.0% Crit DMG, up to 45.0%. The effect is removed upon the next reload.

Elemental Amplifier

(Status DMG)
Reloading an empty mag grants +10.0% Status DMG for 12 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Explosive Shrapnel

The 20th Shrapnel is explosive with base DMG +200.0% and guaranteed Crit Hit

Melee Momentum

(Melee DMG)
Killing with melee attacks restores 30.0% of Max Stamina and grants +20.0% Melee DMG for 8 seconds

Reckless Bomber

(Unstable Bomber)
Each 1% Crit Rate grants +0.7% Unstable Bomber DMG

Reload Rampage

Killing 2 enemies refills 2 bullets from inventory (no more than half of the mag), and grants +10.0% Weapon and Status DMG, lasting until the next reload

Shooting Blitz

(Fast Gunner)
Triggering Fast Gunner every time grants +2.5% Weapon DMG for 10 seconds, up to 20 stacks
Silo Sigma
Mods for: Gloves, Boots
Map Location: Broken Delta
Enemy Type: Rosetta
Boss: Lieutenant Dave III – S2147

Covered Advance

Taking no DMG within 6 seconds grants +20.0% Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG for 30 seconds. The effect resets when the duration ends

Crit Amplifier

(Crit DMG)
Crit DMG +30.0%

Crit DMG Boost

(Crit Rate)
Crit Rate + 14.0%

Elemental Overload

(Status DMG)
Status DMG +20.0%

Ferocious Charge

Killing enemies within 10 meters grants +15.0% Melee, Weapon, Status DMG for 8 seconds

Lifeforce Boost

HP +12.0%

Melee Amplifier

(Melee DMG)
Melee DMG +20.0%

Rush Hour

Every 10% HP loss grants +3.0% Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG

Ruthless Reaper

Killing 3 enemies refills the mag to 100.0% from inventory

Secluded Strike

Having no enemies within 7 meters around you grants +15.0% Weapon and Status DMG

Slow and Steady

+10.0% Melee, Weapon, Status DMG. When HP is above 90%, DMG +10.0% additionally

Weakspot DMG Boost

Weakspot DMG +30.0%
Silo Theta

Critical Rescue

(DMG Reduction)
DMG Reduction 20.0% and Healing Received +20.0% when HP is below 30%

Deviation Expert

(Status DMG)
Range -25.0%, Fire Rate +10.0%, Status DMG +20.0%

Enduring Shield

(DMG Reduction)
Using Healing Shots results in DMG Reduction decreasing from 30.0% to 10.0% for 6 seconds.

Fateful Strike

(Crit DMG, Crit Rate)
No additional Weakspot DMG, Crit DMG +30.0% and Crit Rate +10.0%

First-Move Advantage

(Crit Rate, Weapon DMG)
Crit Rate +10.0% and Weapon DMG +10.0% within 2 seconds after reloading

Head-on Conflict

(DMG Reduction)
Having enemies within 7 meters around you grants a 10.0% DMG Reduction. Taking melee DMG from enemies grants an extra 10.0% DMG Reduction for 5 seconds

Healing Fortification

(DMG Reduction)
Using Healing Shots grants 40.0% DMG Reduction for 2 seconds

Mag Expansion

(Mag Capacity)
Magazine Capacity +25.0% when the magazine is empty

Precise Strike

Hitting Weakspots grants +15.0% Weakspot DMG for 3 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Quick Comeback

Using Healing Shots grants +75.0% Movement Speed for 2 seconds, and refills the mag to 75% from inventory


Killing restores 15.0% of lost HP when HP is above 75%

Work of Proficiency

(General Conditional)
Reloading an empty mag grants 10% Reload Speed and +15.0% Status DMG, lasting until the next reload
Ravenous Hunter – Monolith of Greed

Mods for: Weapons (Burn, Frost)
Map Location: Dayton Wetlands
Enemy Type: Great One
Boss: Ravenous Hunter

Blaze Blessing

Killing enemies affected by Burn restores 5.0% HP

Burning Wrath

Triggering Burn has a 25.0% chance to grant +1 Burn stacks


Buff effect continues, but with Burn stacks -50.0%

Flame Resonance

Burn max layers +2, Burn duration -20.0%


(Frost Vortex)
Frost Vortex deals more damage over time up to a 60.0% DMG increase

Frosty Blessing

(Frost Vortex)
Frost Vortex disappearing restores HP by 10.0%

Vortex Multiplier

(Frost Vortex)
Max number of Frost Vortexes +1, Frost Vortex DMG +10.0%

Vortex Overcharge

(Frost Vortex)
Frost Vortex deals more damage as more enemies are affected by it, up to a 60.0% DMG increase
Treant – Gaia Cliff Monolith

Mods for: Weapons
(Power Surge, Unstable Bomber)
Map Location: Broken Delta
Enemy Type: Great One
Boss: Treant

Decisive Blow

(Unstable Bomber)
Hitting Weakspot grants +15.0% Unstable Bomber DMG for 3 seconds

Eruptive Bomber

(Unstable Bomber)
Hitting the enemies affected by Unstable Bomber 5 times before they explode grants +20.0% DMG to the last hit

Pinpoint Strike

(Unstable Bomber)
When Unstable Bomber hits only one enemy it deals +20.0% DMG

Shock Diffusion

(Power Surge)
Hitting the Weakspot of enemies affected by Power Surge will trigger Power Surge on 2 other enemies within 5 meters.

Shock Rampage

(Power Surge)
Each time Power Surge DMG is inflicted, the Power Surge Trigger Factor increases by 10.0% (based on Weapon Trigger Chance, lasts for 5 seconds, stackable 3 stacks).

Static Shock

(Power Surge)
Power Surge duration -50.0%, and Power Surge DMG +20.0%

Super Charged

(Unstable Bomber)
Triggering Unstable Bomber grants Unstable Bomber DMG +5.0% for 5 seconds, up to 10 stacks.

Surge Amplifier

(Power Surge)
Dealing Power Surge DMG grants +5.0% Power Surge DMG for 3 seconds, up to 3 stacks
Arachsiam (Spider Boss) – Mirage Monolith

Mods for: Weapons
(Fast Gunner, Bullseye)
Map Location: Iron River
Enemy Type: Great One
Boss: Arachsiam

Double Gunner

(Fast Gunner)
Switching Weapons when Fast Gunner is active grants +0.3% Weapon DMG to the first 600.0 bullets of the new weapon

Fast Refurbish

(Fast Gunner)
Triggering Fast Gunner every time grants +30.0% Reload Speed for 5 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Fatal Flaw

(Bull’s Eye)
Each time triggering The Bull’s Eye grants +6.0% Weapon DMG for 20 seconds, up to 5 stacks.

Hunters Perk

(Bull’s Eye)
Killing enemies affected by The Bull’s Eye grants +6.0% DMG Reduction for 10 seconds, up to 5 stacks

Lasting Fortification

(Fast Gunner)
Fast Gunner stack +1, and Weapon DMG +5.0% per stack

Precision Rush

(Fast Gunner)
In Fast Gunner, Accuracy and Weakspot DMG gradually increase over 3 seconds of continuous Fire, up to Accuracy +60 Weakspot DMG +60.0%

Targeted Takedown

(Bull’s Eye)
20.0% Crit Rate on targets affected by The Bull’s Eye

Vulnerability Amplifier

(Bull’s Eye)
+8.0% Vulnerability to The Bull’s Eye
Rabizex (Wolf Boss) – Monolith of Thirst

Bounce Rampage

Bounce deals more DMG as more targets are hit, upto a 60.0% DMG increase

Long-Range Laceration

Shrapnel DMG Loss due to distance decreases by 50.0%

Not Throw Away Your Shot

Bounce hitting an ally deals no DMG returns 1 bullets

Precision Bounce

Bounce prioritizes Weakspots, and Bounce DMG +10.0%

Shield Breaker

Shrapnel deals +60.0% DMG to enemies with a Shield

Shrapnel Carnage

The chance of Shrapnel hitting Weakspots is increased by 100.0%, with Weakspot DMG +25.0%

Shrapnel Smash

Triggering Shrapnel grants +1.0% Shrapnel Crit Rate for 2 seconds, up to 20 stacks

Super Bullet

Bounce Crit Rate +25.0%, Bounce Crit DMG +25.0%
This is the list of all Gold Mods currently available in Once Human! We hope this has helped you to decide which Bosses and Silos to farm first, if you discover something that has changed and information needs to be updated, please let us know on Discord, or feel free to join our Discord community anyway to stay updated and connect with other passionate MMO players around the world!