Where To Find The Electric Eel in Once Human
The Electric Eel deviation is a MUST-have within your territory. This isn’t just an ordinary eel, what you might think. This deviation allows you to increase the power limit within your home, so you will not have to worry about running out of power or being dependent on power switches to save your power consumption.
As you are not tied to having only one of these deviations within your territory, we have decided to create a guide on where to find the Electric Eel in Once Human, so you can have a huge amount of extra power.

What is the Purpose of the Electric Eel in Once Human
The reason why the Electric Eel is highly desired among the player base, is that it allows you to increase your power limit on your generators. Which is huge.
Thankfully, they are not too difficult to catch, and you can obtain the Electric Eel within phase 1 of the scenario.
What is beneficial to this deviation is that you can have the Electric Eel early on when generators are expensive to craft or decide to catch them later on when you need alot of power to upkeep your pumps and furnaces.

We highly recommend unlocking these two mastery memetics, Hydraulic Generator One With The Tides and Generator: Electrical Expert. This will allow you to place two more additional generators with more power input.
Usually you can only have 6 generators in total, but with these two memetics combined, you can have a total of 8 generators. If you are unable to get these memetics, do not worry. Another player can place these down in your territory for you if you are unable to do so.

As seen in the images below, you can see the difference from a normal advanced biomass generator with and without an Electric Eel.
The power output will vary depending on what skill rating it is, so the higher, the better.

How Do You Get The Electric Eel in Once Human
In order to get the Electric Eel, you will need to become a fisherman and catch yourself one. Don’t worry, we will guide you on how to do this with the best bait to use. Which will give you the best chance of catching this deviation.
First, you will need to craft a fishing rod, so head to your supplies workbench and craft one. Now before you head off out and try to catch this eel. You will need the correct bait for your rod.

We have noticed using the Mince Bait gives you the highest chance of catching the Electric Eel. It can be purchased from any fishing vendor or crafted at the supplies bench (this recipe can be acquired from the fishing vendor).

Once you have got your fishing rod and purchased Mince Bait, head to one of the two locations we have suggested below.
Equip your rod and put the Mince Bait on and cast it out. It is now a waiting game until you get a bite. Once you have got a bite, press the left mouse button and strike your rod!
Now it’s time to fight the fish and tire it out by pressing and releasing your left mouse button. Be careful not to deplete your stamina in the meantime. You will also see prompts on the screen to fight the fish, such as holding the “A” key on your keyboard.
After enough time, the fish will become exhausted, and you will be able to catch it. Please note the mince bait is not a guaranteed catch for the electric eel, but we have noticed this is the best bait to catch one compared to any other bait. Within 6 casts we got 2 eels thanks to this bait.

If you manage to do all of the above correctly, you will see the Electric Eel deviation on the end of your line, ready for you to place it in its own securement unit at your territory.

Location 1 – Iron River
The first location we recommend is in Iron River (In-game coordinates 7704, -3283). This spot can be accessed on day 1 of the scenario and also has a fishing vendor right besides it. This is the MMO-Wiki team’s favorite spot as you can easily get here too from the teleportation tower.
Once you have arrived, purchase the mince bait from the vendor and cast your rod out on the jetty and wait until you catch an Electric Eel.

Location 2 – Red Sands
The second location we recommend is in Red Sands (In-game coordinates 7226, 109). Which requires phase 2 of the scenario to be unlocked. If you are in phase 2 or above already, simply take your fishing rod and travel far north-east in the Red Sands.
You will notice a mud path leading to a small fishing shack and a vendor. The reason why we recommend this spot is that if you are in a higher zone, you have a higher chance of catching a better skill rating Electric Eel.

Remember, you can always check our youtube video on where to get the Electric Eel deviant in Once Human.
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