Where To Find The Gazocchio Deviation in Once Human
The Once Human developers released the new scenario “A Way of Winter”, which contains 7 new deviations for your collection. One of them is the Gazocchio Deviation, which is a must-have, thanks to it giving you the ability to dispel shadows from enemies or locked passageways. Below is our full guide on “Where To Find The Gazocchio Deviation in Once Human” and showing its core purpose.

There are two ways in order to obtain this deviation, the first and easiest way is to just complete the quest given to you called “Deviation – Gazocchio” from Lowe in Whalebone Union Stronghold.
Wish Land East
However, if you are looking for this deviation for either better stats or do not want to do the quest for whatever reason. You can head towards Wish Land East in Vena Fjord.

When you arrive in this area, you will notice a few different types of enemies. You are looking for ones that are essentially a “shadow” as seen in the image below.

There are two ways to defeat these enemies. If you already have the Gazocchio deviation, then you can use the Gazocchio itself to dispel the shadow, but we do not have this right now. So you must lure the shadowed enemies next to one of these lights (as seen below).
Luring them into this will cause the enemy to have a circular icon around them that pops and removes the shadow form from them. Allowing you to attack and defeat them.

Shadow Enemy Location
This deviation is NOT a guaranteed drop from the shadow enemies. However, there seems to be a high drop chance. So, you may need to kill several enemies, but they spawn relatively fast and there are a fair few around in this area.
Our favorite spot for these enemies is located on the map below as it has a light nearby to dispel them and around 4–5 shadowed enemies all next to each other, which allows you to pull them towards the light and then kill them fast.

Gazocchio Ability
If you have followed our guide, and killed enough shadowed enemies, you should now have successfully got the deviation, place it in the securement unit, and over time it will generate a “Gazocchio”. These will allow you to dispel any shadows with your portable light source.

Like we have mentioned earlier in the guide, if you already have this deviation and want a higher tier one instead, then you can simply use the Gazocchio in your inventory and shine the light and dispel the shadow on the enemies and kill them.
Also, as seen in the images below, you can shine this equipment on other shadowed areas, such as this tentacle. After a short period of time, it will burn the shadow. Providing a shortcut or a hidden pathway to get to different areas or extra loot.

If you are still stuck or unsure on how to get the deviation, please check out or video guide below.
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