Where To Find The Invincible Sun Deviation in Once Human
The Invincible Sun deviation is 1 of the 7 new deviations that were added to the game from the “A Way of Winter” scenario. It has the ability to pulse AOE blaze damage at your enemies, which is perfect when you are getting overrun.

Securement Silo – Delta
For the chance to get this deviation, you must defeat the final boss at Securement Silo – Delta and hope it drops. But before you can do this, you will first need to get to this silo and battle your way through it, until you reach the final boss.
In order to get this silo, you will need to head to the right side of the map to Onyx Tundra, where you will find the silo. In-game coordinates (5222, 4222).
This silo requires you to be around level 10, so you will not need to worry too much about having perfect armor and weapons to get through this. However, if you are a higher level with stronger gear, then you will be able to run through this at a faster pace if you need to farm it.

The locked gate
When you are ready, head inside the silo, and you will start inside a subway station, make your way through the flames at the bottom of the stairs, and you will be faced with lots of enemies.

In order to get to the next area, you will need to open a locked door, but this requires a key. The only way to get this key is to kill all the enemies in this area and on the railway, an elite enemy will spawn. Killing this guy will allow you to loot the key to proceed ahead.

Go through the locked door area with the key and shoot the guy behind the flames instantly. This guy will shoot RPGs at you, so it’s strongly recommended to eliminate him first so you can take your time jumping over the flames.
One by one, run and jump over each flame, and you will see a gear crate where the RPG enemy was. Loot this and keep going, by just sprinting and jumping over the remaining fires, you will then walk into the bar area.

This area has alot of enemies, so beware and just shoot them one by one until you reach a pathway that is blocked by two flames and an elite mob. Kill the elite mob and the remaining enemies that run out of the passage way. This elite has a chance to drop a deviation from it too, so keep an eye out just incase.
Now that this area has been cleared out, head to the control switch next to the flamed door and press it to turn it off.

Carry on through the corridor, and you will then be matched by a timed set of flames. Kill the enemy here and count the timer. As soon as it goes off, sprint and roll through it, so you can avoid taking any unnecessary damage.
Now just follow it around, and you will see a few more enemies and a stage with a drum set on it. Once you are ready, head up to the drum set and you will see the final boss.

Final Boss
As soon as you’re teleported into the new area, first take in how amazing it looks and unexpected it is compared to any silos. As this is such a low level silo, you won’t really get to see any boss mechanics, so it’s simply just nuke the boss with any of your weapons that you have while the boss is “performing” a show for you.

When the boss has died, just turn around, and you will find the boss’ reward and a chance for the Invincible Sun deviation to spawn. If you have got this, then that’s amazing! However, if it is not there for you, then you will need to run the silo again until it appears.

Invincible Sun
Upon getting this deviation, place it in your securement unit and synchronize it. This guy will allow you to throw it into an area and make huge blaze rings around it, which will cause lots of blaze damage to all enemies within its radius. This also has the chance to inflict burn on the enemies too, which stacks 5% of every enemy it hits, so this deviation has a huge potential of damage if used correctly.

If you are still finding it difficult to find this deviation, then why not check out the video below.
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