Where To Find The Snowsprite Deviation in Once Human
A Way of Winter is a snowy scenario that Once Human released, they introduced 7 new deviations. One of them is the Snowsprite. This guy will be by your side shooting out ice crystals at your enemies, dealing loads of frost damage!

Securement Silo 08
In order to get a chance to obtain this deviation you will need to discover and complete the Securement Silo 08. This silo will require you to be a minimal level of 40 to even have a chance to complete it. These enemies are very strong, so it’s recommended to bring tier 5 gear with you and teammates, so it makes it alot easier for yourself to farm.
This silo is located in Ember Strand – Fallen Ashes (-7141,4657), The server you are on must be in week 2 of the scenario in order to unlock this part of the zone that contains the silo.
Once you are there, head inside the manor, and it’s time to fight your way through it until the end.

As you enter inside, you will be faced with an incredible view of the manor. Make your way to the right side and up the stairs, kill the first enemy and go inside to the next room.
You will need to kill all the enemies in this area before you can proceed ahead to the next zone. Loot all the items that you can find on your way too, but most importantly, watch out for the guys who self-destruct as they like to be sneaky.
After you have defeated all the enemies, make your way to the opposite side that you entered and you will notice a huge painting on the wall.
You can now interact with this and enter inside the painting room.

The Painted Room
Upon entering inside the painting room, you will notice it’s all unusual, with the area looking all upside down. Lots of the flooring will be missing too when you look around.
In order to fix the missing flooring so you can go on further, you will need to locate the big purple painted balls that are next to the stairs. Pick one of them up and launch it at the stairs, you will notice the paint will cover the missing spots and allow you to proceed ahead.

Once you are at the top, you will enter another huge area. You will need to kill all the enemies in this area to be allowed into the next zone. However, you will notice one elite enemy that can not be killed by just shooting him directly.

To kill this last enemy, you will need to find a purple painted ball then launch it at the enemy. As seen in the photos below, it will cover the elite in paint, and he is now vulnerable to kill.

After defeating this enemy, head to the other side of the room and there will be another painting. Enter inside, and it will take you back to the manor.

Follow through the corridors in the manor and kill the few enemies that are there and head to another huge painting at the back of the room. Interact with this and a set of hands will come out of the painting and pull you into the boss room.

The Messenger Boss
It’s time to fight the boss. But before you attack the Messenger boss, you should look for and kill the normal enemies first. This will make it much easier to defeat the boss.

When all the normal enemies have been eliminated, it’s time to attack the boss. It doesn’t do too many mechanics, thankfully, except alot of AOE moves, so you can dodge roll and avoid these.
You can now shoot the boss. It will have a shield first that you need to break, but after this, it will start taking damage, so it’s your time to do as much damage as possible, because after a short period of time, the boss will regenerate its shield and be immune to your attacks again.
If the boss is immune to your damage, look for the purple painted balls and throw one of these at the boss to make it vulnerable. As seen in the images below, it will cause the boss to re-appear, and you can attack it again until it’s dead.

After you’ve killed the boss, then it’s time to check if the deviation dropped for you. This deviation has a CHANCE of dropping, so unfortunately, if you do not get it on your first attempt, then you will have to run the silo again until it drops.

Snowsprite Deviation
If you are lucky enough to get this deviation, then it’s time to place it in your securement unit in your territory and synchronize it.
The Snowsprite deviation will spawn ice crystals next to your enemy, which allows you to shoot them and shatter, dealing 75% frost damage to nearby targets and allowing them to take 36% frost damage.

If you are still finding it difficult to find this deviation, then why not check out the video below.
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