Where To Find The Tar Pudding Deviation in Once Human
Tar Pudding Deviation is a new deviation that was added to the game when “A Way of Winter” scenario was released. This deviation is super useful and is a must-have when playing Once Human as it can passively extract portable mixed fuel.

Avalanche Monolith
In order to get this deviation, you will need to discover and unlock the Avalanche Monolith in Vena Fjord. This can be unlocked by completing 4 rift anchors within the Vena Fjord area. Once this has been done, you will now be able to walk into the monolith and enter the boss fight.

The Treant Boss
Before we enter the fight, we strongly recommend bringing:
- Tier 3 gear and weapons (makes it alot easier)
- Activators
- Adrenaline Shots
- Plenty of ammo
- Team mates if possible

Enter inside the monolith, and you will be located inside a sewers area. Use the jump pad and walk through the tunnel, where you will be faced with a cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will recognize the Treant boss from the older scenarios, but this time it is covered in snow.
Before you can attack the boss, you will need to kill all three tentacles first. The boss will now be vulnerable to being attacked. So it’s time to burst down the boss, but you will need to be careful of the surrounding enemies.
That is why it’s good to have a few teammates, so you can have your team eliminate enemies while you can focus on the boss.

After a short period of time, the boss will start doing mechanics, such as ground slamming the floor or a laser beam. In order to avoid this you will notice small pods that will appear around the boss.
Shoot one of these and a protection bubble will spawn. Stand inside this area and you will be immune to boss mechanics for a short period of time.
Continue to shoot the boss down until you have managed to kill the Treant.

Once you have killed the boss, it’s time to hope that the deviation has dropped for you. Sadly, this deviation is not guaranteed, so you may need to repeat this boss several times until it drops.

Tar Pudding Deviation
If you have been lucky enough for the Tar Pudding Deviation, it’s time to return straight back to your territory and add the Tar Pudding into a securement unit.
When it’s added, over time, it will passively farm you crude oil such as Portable Mixed Fuel when you are out and about doing other tasks. This is super beneficial, as before the fastest way to get this resource was by looting the trunk of cars, or turning barreled fuel into it.
So, having another avenue to get portable mixed fuel is really nice as it was always tough to get in the older scenarios.

If you are still finding it difficult to find this deviation, then why not check out the video below.
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