Intern Badge Location Grounded

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find and access later on in the games Upper Yard is the Intern Badge. As a result lets find the Intern Badge Location in Grounded!
Entomologist Badge Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to find in the Backyard of Grounded. Once you reach into the later stages of the game, one such trinket becomes accessible! So with that in mind lets find the Entomologist Badge Location!
Compliance Badge Location

There are many weird and wonderful equip-able Trinkets in Grounded. One of them which you can find pretty early on is the Compliance Badge! As a result it is a good idea to grab it early, so lets discover the Compliance Badge Location!
Fluffy Dandelion Tuft Grounded

Getting around in Grounded can sometimes be quite dangerous. For example on the ground you will often find many dangerous creatures such as the terrifyingly big spiders. Once you notice those you will have wanted to hang out somewhere higher up, which presents its own dangers. That is of course until you discover a Dandelion Tuft or a Fluffy Dandelion Tuft in Grounded!