The Final Boss in Sons of the Forest

The Final Boss in Sons of the Forest
Everything we now know so far on Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen’s Races and Classes

Everything to know about the fantasy MMORPG, Pantheon Rise of the Fallen.
Dead Island 2 Skills

Innate Skills Innate skills are unique to every single Slayer. They usually designate their playstyle or highlight their specialized skills. Name Slayer Description Image Divide and Conquer Amy Amy gets a minor DAMAGE boost when she attacks isolated zombies. Relief Pitcher Amy Amy regains STAMINA when hitting a zombie with a weapon throw. Backstab Bruno […]
Sons of the Forest NEW Rifle Location and Guide

In this short Guide, we will show you where to find the Rifle and for those not familiar with Guns, how to use it!
Sons Of The Forest Dedicated Server Configuration Guide

Patch 07 has allowed us to host our own Dedicated Servers! This means that you will also be able to rent servers from your typical server hosts.
You Can Now Drive Electric Golf Carts In Sons Of The Forest

In this guide, we are going to show you where you can find all the Golf Carts in Sons of the Forest.
Sons Of The Forest Patch 07 – Rifle, Dedicated Servers, Frogs And More!

Patch 07 from the Endnight Devs is another huge patch for Sons of the Forest players which includes Driveable Golf Carts, a new End Boss and Cutscene, a Rifle… and Frogs!
Hard Survival Difficulty Guide And Information

But the biggest addition is hard mode. In hard mode, Food spawn rates in crates have also been reduced. No item storage crate respawns on load in this game mode. Fish and animal spawn rates have been lowered. Health and stamina regen speed is also decreased when cold. Lastly is the increased penalty for consuming raw or rotten meats.
Complete Guide to Into the Echo

Did you know that there will be a game that will be about time traveling? And it will be an MMORPG! Here is the complete guide to Into the Echo!