Dreadal Guardian Pledge: Rescue the Bride in Distress

Where to start

Get into the new map of Talandre and unlock the waypoint of “Quieti’s Demesne” to start the journey in obtaining the new Guardian pledge Dreadal. You can find the exploration codex “Rescue the Bride in Distress” locked, and you need to finish the “For a Better Future” quest to proceed, as these quests are connected.

After completing the quest “For a Better Future”, you can start this quest where you will see Hamon at Swamp Breeze Plaza in Herba Village asking if you heard the rumor circulating in the town that sends shivers down his spine. The people in town say that strange noises come from the crypt every day and no one dares to go and take a look.

Go to the Suspicious Coffin at Herba village, upon opening the tomb you will find a beautiful necklace inside. Something powerful emanates from the necklace. you hear voices coming from the necklace this voice comes from Dreadal a guardian pledge trapped in the coffin that someone mistook for a trinket and buried it.

Dreadal Story

Dreadal shared the story of a young girl named Angeline, who regularly visited her mother’s grave, finding comfort in recounting her day. Over the years, Dreadal found solace in listening to her. As she grew up, Angeline faced an arranged marriage to a man she didn’t know, chosen by her father for his wealth, despite rumors about him. Now, she hasn’t been seen at the grave, and Dreadal is worried. He asks for your help in finding her, suggesting you start by visiting Abundance Street, where her jeweler father lives.

Ask the Merchant Hartman about their marriage ceremony at Herba village Abundance Street. Learn that Angeline hasn’t left home these past few days and his fiance after just arrived, he’s been celebrating every day and we heard that he’s planning an all-night feast tonight.

As you continue to talk to the next person, Ilsa, a restaurant worker, about the marriage ceremony, you will learn about the mystery of Angeline’s fiancé about how he keeps replacing his household staff for no good reason. And for those who have been sent away, no one knows where they went. Some say he sold them off somewhere or, worse, he disposed of them without anyone noticing.

Ilsa said that someone saw a bunch of suspicious boxes being brought in for the banquet tonight. She is curious to know what is inside those boxes, but the ballroom is by invitation only. Upon learning this information you will enter a hiding spot near Herba Village wedding hall.

Search Nicola’s Bag

Entering the banquet you see many guards patrolling in the area, that’s very suspicious. You need to stay hidden among the guests and investigate without being seen.

as you can see the people have icons on their heads the red one is guards patrolling in the area and the blue is the guest you need to go walk with the guest to stay invisible in the eyes of guards. Your quest is to go search Nicola’s bag.

upon successfully finding Nicola’s bag you will see a letter inside. Reading the letter of leaving the goods at the appointed place and someone will collect them before dawn, raises suspicious as you go check what is inside of these boxes.

In going to the boxes you need to stay hidden again among guests and Nicolas can be seen at the ball you can see an icon on its head colored gold try avoiding him and the guards as you go towards the suspicious chest near the dock.

after opening the boxes you will see a bunch of enhanced weapons made especially for the resistance by the artisan of the herbal village. But on closer inspection, you will see someones has stamped Arkeum’s emblem over the resistance symbol on the handle. The groom must have been secretly working for the Arkeum.

Inform the Guard Captain about Nicolo’s atrocities. The guard captain said there are reports of the resistance’s enhanced weapons going missing lately, which is why. The Guard captain was furious that he was right under their noses and didn’t know it. they need to arrest him immediately

Move the suspicious coffin and speak with dreadal at Herba Village Crypt. Dreadal request to go to a near chair that angeline used to sit everday, he wanted to go and see this before leaving as he thanks you for everything.

Wild Enchanter Dreadal Guardian

Noble Fury- All attack power increases by 3%, accuracy increases by 100, skill reuse increase by 5%, and party members within a 15m readius receive the effect for 5 seconds.

We hope you found this guide helpful as you explore the new Talandre map. With the recent updates of Throne and Liberty, the game now offers new Life Content such as Fishing. To know more about this we have the Ultimate Fishing Guide you can read.


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