Ahoy, gamers! The Dwarves embark on a quest to reclaim their home of Moria hidden beneath the Misty Mountains. Players can choose to go alone or with up to seven companions, managing their light, noise, hunger, and sleep to survive the perilous journey.
During our conversation with John Paul Dumont from Free Range Games at Gamescom 2023, we talked about the Lord of the Rings Return to Moria game. The game centers around the hardworking and diligent Dwarves of Moria who are dedicated to their craft of digging. In the fourth age, accessing Moria is as easy as saying “friend” and entering.

What Is Going On In Middle Earth?
Dwarves are ideal for survival artisans here in Lord of the Rings Return to Moria, thus the game’s creators realized they had to include them in their creation. Going back and reclaiming their ancient home is the Dwarves’ greatest risk.

Crafting And Survival
The Dwarves waste no time in Lord of the Rings Return to Moria, immediately getting to work on their metalwork. Utilizing their mining skills, they discover new alloys and delve into ancient recipes to forge top-quality goods.

Bridge Of Khazad-dûm
In the game, players are given the chance to undertake the task of restoring the Khazad-dûm Bridge. Despite its current state of disrepair, players can work towards bringing this iconic structure back to its former glory.
Gimli, son of Glóin and a member of Thorin’s company in The Hobbit by Tolkien, calls upon all dwarves in Middle Earth to reclaim Moria and restore it to Khazad-dûm. As you enter, events unfold, and the truth about the past 70 years since the ring was destroyed is revealed.

Working With John Rhys-Davies
The praise for John Rhys-Davies comes from John Paul Dumont. He is Gimli. Gimli could only be played by John Rhys-Davies. Just hearing the voice will be enough to convince you that this is it. The developers of Lord of the Rings Return to Moria are quite enthusiastic.

It is first and foremost a procedurally generated copy of Moria. Therefore, if you appreciate the lore and are familiar with it, the major landmarks—Demoral Gate to the east, Holland Gate to the west, and the endless stairs—are all present where you would anticipate seeing them, but everything in between is produced uniquely. The implication is that you would travel a different route each time to reach the various story spots here in Lord of the Rings Return to Moria.

It is clear that in Lord of the Rings Return to Moria, the objective is to bring together multiple teams for player co-op. The PlayStation 5 version supports up to four players, while the Epic Games store version supports up to eight.

Game Scaling
If you play alone or with up to eight other people, the experience will vary.
Having eight people in the game will limit resources and make it harder to fight against Trolls or Orcs who may attack when they hear you are in their territory, and they may bring more Trolls with them.
There will be more resources when you play alone, but it gets a little scary.
In Lord of the Rings Return to Moria, controlling your light and noise is a big part of what you have to achieve. Consequently, the game is darker when you play by yourself.

Dwarves Singing
Tolkien spent a lot of time revising poems inspired by Old English and Norse Sagas for his writings. In the game, you can start singing when inspired while mining, drinking ale, or in a historical location. Each dwarf has a unique singing voice and up to ten can be chosen to play. When playing with two people, they can call back and sing along.
Singing while mining can make the task easier and allow for longer periods of work. In addition, singing certain songs can reveal hidden locations and open powerful seals.

Dwarves’ Language
The developers collaborated with linguist David Salo to create an entire dwarvish language, complete with lexicon and grammar. Players can even choose to have their dwarf speak in the Kuzdal language, which is translatable. The language may be released to fans in the future.

Combat And Enemies
They are eager to tell a new story unrelated to the Ring story in Lord of the Rings. There will be a surprising plot twist involving a different enemy, but no spoilers allowed!
As you progress through Lord of the Rings Return to Moria, you encounter increasingly difficult challenges and must obtain better equipment. You move from urban and suburban biomes to mine biomes, flooded areas, and the darkest depths.

As you journey through the vast Vistas, you will eventually reach the Great City of Dwaradelph. One exciting aspect of the game is encountering collapses and digging your way through to the other side. What lies ahead could be a familiar room, an ambush by Orcs, or a magnificent City Vista with waterfalls and breathtaking views.
Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Conclusion
Let’s discuss the summary of Lord of the Rings Return to Moria. We covered Middle Earth events, crafting and survival, Bridge of Khazad-dûm, John Rhys-Davies, gameplay, co-op, game scaling, Dwarven languages and singing, and combat and enemies.
Players can explore Moria from the 24th of October 2023 on PC via the Epic Games store and PlayStation 5, with Xbox X|S coming in early 2024 (Exact date to be announced).

Therefore, feel free to visit MMO Wiki Lord Of The Rings Return To Moria Homepage if you have any questions about the game. You may find additional information about Lord of the Rings Return to Moria on our Official Community Discord as well. All the best, gamers!