More Games More Problems Steam Releases Skyrocketed Again

More Steam Releases means more fun right? well according to many users and creators this has only exacerbated already existing issues hurting indie developers in the process.

Steam Releases

Steam Releases

Steam hosted a total of 14534 games in 2023, an upwards trend from last year and one that doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. This has created the nessecary uproar within the community especially within the Indie Dev scene, more games means its harder to get discovered and Steam doesnt exactly offer any on platform marketing.

There was also a noticeable rise in the erotic game categories this year around following the same trend as last year, potentially even being the prompt for steam to make the much meme’d upon feature “hide games from friends”


While this issue has hit gaming in its entirety the lack of curation on Steams side and the increase in its dominance as a platform for indie developers have clearly made things worse. While we don’t have data like this at hand for platforms like Epic Games and their Epic Store we do know they offered a total of 1548 titles in 2022 which is as much as steam did back in 2013. Its like comparing apples to pears but it does show how far curation can go in fighting off the endless hordes of so called Ejunk.

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