Tarisland Developers Promise They Are Working On Pressing Issues Like Gender Locked Classes

After reviewing player feedback and listening to an endless stream of negative comments Tarisland Developers have decided to take action, this means changing up some core mechanics and also according to them working on “Gender Lock” a surprising entry to be sure.


Tarisland was meant to be but a speck of dust in the vast cosmos until your awakening.
The engraved stones reveal divine guidance, as the will of the three gods fiercely clashes here. To believe or to resist, the choice is yours to make!

You will experience a classic cross-platform MMORPG and team up with your closet friends to enjoy the hardcore raids.   You will also uncover the mystery behind the mist as the story progresses…
All of these exciting features will be available in Tarisland’s next playtest. We sincerely hope to build a persistent and exciting world for everyone.


Gender Lock First Then We Can Talk Gameplay

In a surprise announcement from the Tarisland development team we finally got to see where their priorities lie, most of these where indeed major pain points for players during the beta things like PvE and PvP gameplay loops and monetization how ever according to the team fixing Gender Locked classes is also their highest priority?

After some due diligence mainly consisting of reading through the 600+ results mentioning Gender Lock in the Tarisland Discord this does seem to be a major point of conflict within the community with one side going as far as to claim they would boycot the game if classes remain gender locked.

So their “Fixing” of Gender Lock does seem to be a highly requested and contested topic, hopefully we get to see another beta in the next few months here to see what those changes actually consist of.

Source: Tarisland

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