Outrage As The Quinfall Asks Players To Pay For Beta Access

A new MMO pops up and the accusations start flying. This time though they might be justified or it could be just a case of awful communication The Quinfall never fails to make it interesting for us that much is sure.

The Quinfall Asks Players To Pay

The Quinfall Asks Players To Pay

Even though paying for beta’s isn’t something new it raised a lot of questions this time around, mainly because earlier The Quinfall communicated players wouldn’t have to pay to access their beta in an attempt to show the world they are a legit contender for what they claim will be “The Biggest MMO”

Players were confused by the statement which seems to have been bad communication from the developers. They do intend to ask players to pay ahead of their “Open” betas while offering their first closed NDA beta for free.


After some questions to the development team behind The Quinfall they clarified the following:
What do you think about the fraud allegations regarding Quinfall?
There is no logic behind the fraud allegations against Quinfall. We do not charge our users through a Kickstarter campaign. We are offering the first closed beta for free. We are completely transparent about these matters.
Do you use ready-made assets?
Yes, while developing the world’s largest MMORPG universe Quinfall with 2016Km2, we use some ready-made assets to spend more time on general mechanics and content during development. We are being completely transparent with our users. We act with the motto that the important thing is not to use ready-made assets, but to have a structure that can use it.
Will the Open Beta be free?
Open Betas will be paid. You will have the chance to get the full version of the game and open beta access for free through Quinfall discord and social media events. Therefore, do not forget to follow the developments.
Will there be an NDA for ALL Closed Betas?
No, there will be no NDA agreement except for the first closed beta.
The first NDA closed beta is free (keys already sent out, will be held on the 30th of January) the subsequent “Open” Beta’s will be paid and wont be under NDA

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