The Developers of The Day Before, Fntastic, have released new Details and information with their latest The Day Before Dev Vlog. If you’ve been following the journey so far you probably didn’t have high hopes for this video and maybe you were right. In this article we take a look at the new details they revealed.
In this video we meet a new member of the Fntastic team: Dana. She starts off by giving us a bit of background information about The Day Before. In 2020 the game changed and the graphics were revamped.

Pre Alpha v0.2 in The Day Before Dev Vlog
In Pre-Alpha v0.2. the game really does look totally different, even reminiscent of a Fortnite-esk vibe to the style. They also went from making just small settlements to venturing into large city zones.

During the The Day Before Dev Vlog Dana discussed that we will have to manage our core stats, such as Hunger and Energy and the Zombies will have a bit of an upgrade, including female zombies and motion captured animations.
We were also made aware of the effort that has gone into make a Realistic Dismemberment System. Which sounds really good, but we’re yet to see any real details on this yet.

It sounds like driving will be a core aspect of the game. As we’ve seen in nearly every trailer, the character has been travelling around in vehicles. Except from the 10 minute gameplay. However we did see lots of driving in the trailers.
The game has undergone huge improvements on textures since 2020. After watching The Day Before Dev Vlog lots of the community members seem to agree that the previous textures look better and more realistic, im some instances.

Fntastic have offered no comment on the current issues such as the Trademark and lack of actual gameplay footage. You can see the full video here. The Release date for The Day Before still seems to be their new date of 10th November 2023.