Introducing: The Achlis

This is an Achlis, its native to the fae realms of nightingale. and mostly lived as a myth until it was finaly photographed in 1885. Its skittish nature makes it hard to study or capture. so little is known about it. Its horns and tails seem to be made of plant based materials. suggesting it’s some type of plant to animal hybrid.
Dune Awakening: Shigawire Reels- part 1

With a recent post on the official Dune Awakening discord we got an introductory look at the first episode of the new Shigawire Reels series, Shigawire Reels-Part one.
A series aimed at getting survivors the knowledge they need to keep themselves safe in the infinite deserts of Arrakis.
The Day Before Release Date

After Fntastic postponed The Day Before Release Date and moved over to Unreal Engine 5. The Day Before is now set to release late 2023.
PVP in Dune Awakening

Dune Awakening promises to offer epic 3rd person combined arms combat blended together with survival and MMO elements. Today we take a look at how we see that playing out in game. PVP The Battle for dominance.