How to Conquer the Formidable Sea Spider: Armored Core 6

The creepy crawler of the second chapter lunges, shoots missiles, nukes the ground, and even flies to the skies as a worthy opponent to test the pilots’ skills and their mechs. So come on, pilots, and follow the guide on how to beat the Sea Spider!

Understanding Sea Spider’s Attack Patterns

Sea Spider is known for its diverse array of attacks, each requiring a distinct approach to overcome. By familiarizing yourself with its moves, you’ll be better equipped to anticipate and counter its actions.

1st Phase (100%HP):

Coral Lasers (2x)

One of the main ways the Sea Spider deals significant damage to your mechs would be by Coral Lasers. This can be observed with the usual visual and auditory cue of major attacks, so being hit with these can lock you in a staggered mode and straight up ruin your run as these lasers target your current position. To evade them, either quick boost or if your mech is light enough, simply strafe to the side. Alternatively, find cover behind the terrain to shield yourself from the lasers. Do note that these lasers fire twice in succession.

Direct Coral Lasers of Sea Spider

Sweeping Coral Lasers

One of Sea Spider’s deadlier attacks involves firing Sweeping Coral Lasers that cover a wide area. Similar visual and auditory cues preempt this attack, however, discerning differences can be noticed in the direction of the laser’s starting point. When the lasers move out of your line of sight and into the side, this means that a sweeping coral laser is loading instead of the normal direct one. The key to surviving this attack is to anticipate the pattern and time your movements accordingly by either hiding behind terrain again or flying at a safe altitude altogether. Stay on the move and prioritize dodging over offensive actions during this phase.

Sweeping Coral Lasers of Sea Spider

Melee Slam

The Sea Spider’s melee attack involves descending towards your position while charging up a close range attack that strikes downwards. This move can be avoided at close range by quickly boosting towards its back, so maintaining perfect timing is crucial. If you find yourself too close, boost away immediately, but as much as possible, avoid getting to that point and use your long range weapons instead. Keep an eye on the Sea Spider’s movements and respond swiftly to prevent being caught off guard.

Two-pronged melee slam of Sea Spider

Machine Gun Barrages

Sea Spider can unleash a barrage of coral-powered machine gun fire after most coral laser attacks. This attack can quickly whittle down your armor if you remain stationary. To counter this threat, keep strafing sideways while firing at the boss. Maintaining a lateral movement around the Sea Spider can minimize the chances of getting hit.

Machine gun barrages of Sea Spider

Phase II(~below 30%)

Flight Mode

At this phase, Sea Spider extends its legs outwards and gains altitude to hover around the field. It also gains new sets of attacks to go with that form.

Transitional flight mode phase of Sea Spider

Coral Nukes

The Sea Spider’s Coral Nuke attack involves firing a laser at a flight that detonates upon impact. These explosions deal area damage, then another instance of damage, making it vital to keep your distance and height at the same time. Stay mobile and prioritize long-range attacks to avoid being caught in the blast radius.

Laser Nukes of Sea Spider

Spinning Attack

At certain intervals, the Sea Spider performs a spinning attack while in the air. This move can be challenging to predict but take note of its thrusters, as it begins to fly sideways, as it gives you a tell when it does charge up that spin. When you notice the Sea Spider starting to spin, stay out of its current height by either thrusting to the skies or dropping below, as this spin attack swerves depending on which height it initially cast in most cases.

Spinning attack of Sea Spider

Coral Missiles

Sea Spider launches missiles that angles its attacks towards you in a sideways manner. Same with dealing with other attacks, quick boost and strafe out of these missiles direction.

Building for the Fight

To emerge triumphant against the Sea Spider, consider these strategic insights when building your Armored Core:

Prioritize Long-Range Engagements

Equipping long-range and tracking weapons is crucial for poking whilst maintaining a safe distance from the Sea Spider’s attacks. Weapons like laser rifles, shoulder-mounted laser cannons and guided missiles allow you to deal damage while minimizing the risk of getting hit.

Opt for Agile and Dodgy Builds

Choose lightweight parts that enhance your mobility and agility. A nimble AC can more effectively dodge the Sea Spider’s attacks, including its sweeping lasers and spinning assaults.

Bolster AC build

For players who prefer a more defensive (but not lacking that offensive punch) approach, focus on bolstering your armor and AP by equipping heavily. This build can absorb a higher amount of damage, however, can also make you susceptible to chain attacks that can 100-0% your mech immediately.

The Chosen Build and Why:

This is the Share ID if you want to use the build 1-for-1 in your attempts to beat the Sea Spider.

Share ID for for AC build to beat Sea Spider

This loadout was chosen to deliver sustained stagger damage for Sea Spider, letting us hit it for easy shots. The minigun works great in making this consistent, whilst the plasma missiles mounted on both shoulders plus the sweet-sixteen shotgun brings the burst damage we insistently want, although really, use whatever mid to long-range weapons that float your boat.

AC build to beat Sea Spider

Found below is the run for beating Sea Spider using the tips and tricks from the guide:


Can I defeat Sea Spider using close-range weapons?

  • While it’s possible to defeat Sea Spider with close-range weapons, it’s riskier due to its potent attacks. Long-range engagements provide a safer approach.

How do I avoid the Melee attack?

  • The best way to avoid the Melee attack is to boost away from the Sea Spider as soon as you see it descending.

Are there any weaknesses in Sea Spider’s attack patterns?

  • Sea Spider’s attacks are formidable, but its melee attack leaves it vulnerable for a brief moment after the spin. Use this opening to land some hits.

Should I focus on offense or defense when building my AC?

  • Finding the right balance is essential. Prioritize mobility and distance to avoid attacks, but ensure you have enough offensive capabilities to deal damage effectively.

Is there an ideal range for engaging Sea Spider?

  • Maintaining a medium to long range is recommended to avoid the majority of Sea Spider’s attacks while still being able to target it effectively.

Can I find cover during the Sweeping Coral Lasers attack?

  • While there may be some limited cover options, it’s generally safer to keep moving and dodging to avoid getting hit.

With a solid understanding of Sea Spider’s attack patterns and the right build strategy, you’re well-equipped to triumph over this formidable 2nd chapter boss in Armored Core 6. Prioritize distance, mobility, and effective dodging to minimize damage and emerge victorious. Adapt your tactics as needed and may your battles be victorious! Good luck out there, Pilots! Make sure to join our community Discord server for all things gaming.


Jof TheC

Jof TheC

Currently taking Computer Engineering. Been playing multiplayer games such as with MOBA's and FPS's; also dabbles on some gacha games here and there.

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