Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Despite your confidence in abilities in dodging and evading attack. you still lack the necessary firepower to successfully eliminate your targets. But there’s no need for concern! Presented here is a comprehensive Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide that provides all the essential information for you to optimize your loadout, enhance your combat capabilities, and effectively conquer adversaries that stand in your path.

Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Understanding the appropriate moments to outfit different weapons, armor types, and body components can be quite challenging. This knowledge is pivotal for achieving triumph, as having access to the most effective equipment is crucial. To assist you in mastering the Assembly mechanics of Armored Core 6, we present our comprehensive Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide, which offers valuable insights and strategies for making optimal choices when it comes to assembling your mech. Let’s now start our Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide!

Stats of your AC and Part Specs in Assembly

Stats of your AC and Part Specs in Assembly

You might be overwhelmed by the stats that are shown in the image above, Well, Let me make it simple for you using this Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide! AC Specs encompass the combined specifications of all the gear installed on your AC, comprising weapons, armor, and expansions integrated into your mech’s setup.

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

On the flip side, Part Specs pertain to the details of an individual component you intend to incorporate into your mech. To illustrate, take the HD-012 Melander C3, which functions as a head part. The following information outlines all the specifications pertinent to this specific component.

I anticipate your upcoming query. It likely pertains to terms such as AP, Anti-Kinetic Defense, and similar specifications, correct? Allow me to provide definitions for these terms as part of our Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide. 

General and Defensive Stats

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide
AP This represents your armored core’s overall health, like a health bar in other contexts.
ANTI-KINETIC DEFENSE This pertains to your protection against kinetic weapons such as machine guns, shotguns, and assault rifles.
ANTI-ENERGY DEFENSEThis indicates your AC’s resilience against energy-based weapons like plasma guns and lasers.
ANTI-EXPLOSIVE DEFENSEThis measures your AC’s ability to endure explosive weapons like bazookas, grenades, and missiles.
ATTITUDE STABILITY This signifies your resistance to being staggered or disrupted.
ATTITUDE RECOVERYThis reflects the speed at which you can recover from damage that causes staggering.
TARGET TRACKINGThis defines your aiming proficiency, where higher values enhance your likelihood of accurately hitting your target.

Booster Stats

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide
BOOST SPEED Reflects your agility when using boosters. A mech with greater booster thrust and reduced overall weight will experience improved flight speed.
QB SPEEDDetermines how speed is influenced by boosters.
QB EN CONSUMPTIONRepresents the energy depletion during boosting.
QB RELOAD TIME Indicates the rate at which your boosters recharge for subsequent use.

Energy Stats

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide
EN CAPACITY This represents your AC’s ability to store EN, utilized for movement and high-energy attacks.
EN SUPPLY EFFICIENCYThis indicates the extent to which your EN can be completely regenerated.
EN RECHARGE DELAY When grounded, this denotes the duration required for full EN recharge.
EN OUTPUTThis quantifies the amount of EN your mech can generate.
EN RECHARGEThis measures the speed at which your mech initiates the process of EN recharge.

Load and Weight Stats

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide
TOTAL WEIGHT This refers to the cumulative weight of all the equipped parts on your AC. A higher value can impact your AC’s speed and EN usage.
TOTAL ARMS LOADThis signifies the combined weight of all the weapons attached to your AC’s arms.
ARMS LOAD LIMITThis is the maximum weight that your arms can handle. Exceeding this limit will influence tracking and recoil attributes.
TOTAL LOADThis represents the weight of all parts. excluding the legs.
LOAD LIMITIndicates the weight limit for the legs.
TOTAL EN LOADThis is the maximum EN load your armored core can bear. Going beyond this threshold will prevent you from sortieing out on a mission.
CURRENT LOADRefers to the complete load carried by your Armored Core. You cannot sortie if you exceed this limit.
CURRENT ARMS LOADIndicates the current weight being borne by your arms. This can impact recoil and aiming accuracy.
CURRENT EN LOADReflects the current EN load relative to your Total EN Capacity. You cannot sortie if you surpass this limit.

Loadout Assembly in Armored Core 6

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

If you’re still getting acquainted with the various components of your AC, here’s an overview for you. Your AC is equipped with four tabs each time you embark on a Sortie or Mission. These tabs include Units, Frames, Inners, and Expansion, each serving a distinct role in enhancing your mech’s capabilities. The following terms are important to know, that’s why we added them to the Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide!


Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Units are the weapons that you will be deploying in your missions. Yes, That is right! The “Units” section pertains to the section dedicated to the player’s mech. It consists of four slots: R-Arm Unit, L-Arm Unit, R-Back Unit, and L-Back Unit. In these slots, players can equip a range of weaponry, spanning from energy-based arms to cannons. Weapons typically possess fundamental characteristics like attack power, Impact, Total rounds, or the ammo and EN load.

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Right Arm Unit

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Left Arm Unit

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Right back unit

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Left Back Unit


The frame serves as the structure of your AC, comprising essential components such as the Head, Core, Arms, and Legs. Remarkably, you have the flexibility to alter these frame elements. This means your AC could be equipped with tank-like legs or extended legs to enhance its aerial mobility. Pretty exciting, isn’t it?

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Head Frame

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Core Frame

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Arms Frame

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

Legs Frame


Inner parts play a crucial role. enabling the mech’s movement and maintaining its integrity by generating sufficient energy for each element’s operation. It is the core of each part. Without this, What would happen to our AC? It would never move! 

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide


Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide


Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide



Expansion is like a modification to other parts, It enables the various parts to have enhanced abilities, Assault Armor is an example of an Expansion. For Further Explanation in Expansion, check out our OS Tuning Guide

Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide

We’ve reached the end of our Ultimate Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide! I hope you’ve managed to note down the important insights or our Armored Core 6 Assembly Guide, as they’ll greatly benefit your forthcoming missions. Armed with the understanding of strategic load-outs and your refined abilities, you stand ready to become an indomitable presence against your foes. Release your complete potential on the battleground, Raven! Be sure to explore our additional Armored Core 6 Guides available on our website, and consider joining our Discord Community for thrilling tales of your battles in the world of Armored Core 6!


Bal Tine

Bal Tine

MMO-Wiki Content Writer and aspiring IT Professional. Coding, Gaming and Video editing is my life!

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