January Cosmetics featured image

January Cosmetics

Ashes of Creation developer Intrepid Studio periodically changes the pre-order cosmetics, allowing some exclusivity. Lets take a look at what their January Cosmetics have to offer!

January Cosmetics image 1

It’s that time of the month…You know the one where we update the cosmetics! The December Cosmetics will be no longer available January 24, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, and the new January Cosmetics will be available for purchase on the Ashes of Creation store from January 24, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific until February 21st, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific.

January Cosmetics – Black Scale Imperator Armour

To an Imperator every scar is a trophy, a tale of heroism immortalized in flesh. The armor they don mirrors their wild passion; it covers their vitals and leaves exposed a canvas for battle to carve its story.

Adolescent Faybeast Pet

Unlike their timid, younger selves, Faybeasts on the cusp of maturity are intensely curious creatures. Many a passing adventurer has learned that an offering of food to the shimmering beasts brings good luck, as well as a friend for life.

Aegis of Vigilance Shield

The greatest of the Ren’Kai shieldbearers are impenetrable walls on the battlefield, able to block blade and arrow alike with a focus unending. Their towering shields bear the marks of each battle; every scratch and nick a life protected under their watch.

Vermilion Menagerie

Housing the creatures of Verra is no easy feat, but these stables are built to handle all manner of exotic beasts. Beastmasters from across the world marvel at the craftsmanship and comfort, and more than a few find themselves a little jealous of the animals housed within.

Ochre Legion Wyrmling

As the Ochre Legion’s reputation grew, they sought beasts to ride that would leave their enemies quaking at the sight. With armored hide, sharpened teeth, and piercing claws, the Legion had finally found mounts as fearsome as themselves. It is said that a rider who forgets to feed his steed on time will never make the same mistake twice; it’s hard to forget a missing finger or two.

Eternal Guardian of the Dark Seas

When the Ren’Kai first took to the seas of Verra, their fledgeling crafts were at the mercy of monsters in the black depths beneath the waves. Now their warships are matched in strength only by the ferocity of their design, and those that dwell below give a wide berth to the vessels sailing above.

Wayfarer Pre-order Package

  • Access to Beta 2
  • 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
  • $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
  • Aegis of Vigilance

Expeditionary Pre-order Package

  • Access to Beta 1
  • Access to Beta 2
  • 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
  • $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
  • Aegis of Vigilance
  • Adolescent Faybeast

Voyager Pre-order Package

  • Access to Alpha 2
  • Access to Beta 1
  • Access to Beta 2
  • 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
  • $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
  • Aegis of Vigilance
  • Adolescent Faybeast
  • Ochre Legion Wyrmling

Voyager-Plus Pre-order Package

  • Access to Alpha 2
  • Access to Beta 1
  • Access to Beta 2
  • 9 months of game time ($135 value)
  • $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
  • Aegis of Vigilance
  • Adolescent Faybeast
  • Ochre Legion Wyrmling
  • Vermilion Menagerie
  • Eternal Guardian of the Dark Seas
  • Black Scale Imperator
  • Name Reservation

We hope you enjoyed the look into the January Cosmetics update! The January Cosmetics are not the only future cosmetics available. January Cosmetics will soon have the February Cosmetics following! Check back here for more cosmetic updates such as the January Cosmetics, along with our Ashes of Creation guides, resources, database, interactive map and more!


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